Saturday, December 04, 2004

What I did on my Saturday Vacation

OK, so it's not really a vacation, Saturday. But it could be considered a mini-mini vacation at the end of the week. After getting my hair done this morning, I came home and read a good book. Yum. I started it a few days ago, but finished it this afternoon. Now that is a good day. Tony had a budget meeting and Cassie had a orchestra concert. Now we are eating pizza and enjoying a fire in the fireplace.

I am still fighting this cold. I needed a do-nothing day. I woke up yesterday and today, so tired. I should have slept until longer, but I couldn't. Maybe Monday. I lead worship tomorrow. I hope my voice is up to it.

I'm working on Macy's story. I've finished the first rewrite/edit and am on my second pass. It's shaping up nice, I think. I've made some major cuts, but beefed story lines my editor wanted - and rightfully so. It's so weird, as a writer, I think something is good only to find out it's not that great. LOL. I'm a little scared to come up with a new idea cause I'm not sure it's good enough. But I must. I had a fun idea the other day, but the next day I realized it's the same plot as an old movie. So, I'm not sure.

Busy week next week. Sunday night is dinner and Euchre at the Stebbins, Tuesday my birthday, Wednesday youth, Thursday the start of In the Mantle 2 Conference with Bob Jones, Shawn Bolz and Paul Keith & Wanda Davis. I have an online ACFW meeting Thursday and a Friday morning meeting with the conference speakers, which is ALSO Tony's birthday. Friday night and Saturday night I'm singing on the worship team for the conference. Soooo, it'll be busy.

Click on the Photos link to see some new pictures. :)

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