My friend Sharon Hincks has a new release. It sounds fabulous.
The Restorer Blurb
Susan, a modern-day soccer mom, is pulled through a portal into another world, where a nation grappling for its soul waits for a promised Restorer to save their people. Can she fill that role? While she struggles to adapt to a foreign culture, she tackles an enemy that is poisoning the minds of the people, uncovers a corrupt ruling Council, and learns that God can use even her floundering attempts at service in surprising ways
Q & A with Sharon.
Q: What was the inspiration for The Restorer?
A: I've always been fascinated by the story of Deborah in the book of Judges, and wondered what a modern woman would look like in that role. The fantasy genre provides a powerful way to look at a familiar story in a new way. I loved the challenge of creating a completely relatable character, and then inviting the reader to follow her into an imaginative journey.
Q:What kind of reader did you have in mind as you wrote the book?
A:I wrote this story for my friends - ordinary women who are sometimes called on to fill extraordinary roles that they don't feel prepared for. We may not be literally yanked into an alternate universe, but the idea of being pulled into an unexpected challenge is very real to most of the people I know. I wrote this book for my friends who receive a diagnosis of cancer, or the news that their child has a learning disability, or their parent is battling Alzheimers, or their spouse has lost their job. They suddenly find themselves in a foreign world, facing new rules, and being asked to fill a role they don't feel ready for. My prayer is that as well as being entertaining, this novel can inspire courage and determination for those facing daily battles.
Q:How much of The Restorer is drawn from your own life?
A: Susan's spiritual journey - her desire to follow God and her confusion when the road is much harder than she expected - is very parallel to my own. I've never carried a sword into battle, but I've faced the challenge of surrendering more deeply to God's purposes when they didn't make sense to me.
All about Sharon:
Sharon is a wife and mom who has had many adventures, though none have involved an alternate universe (thus far). She has an M.A. in communication and has spent her life working in the arts (music, theatre, dance, and writing).
Her other novels include The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, 2006), Renovating Becky Miller (Bethany House, 2007), The Restorer (NavPress, 2007) and The Restorer’s Son (NavPress, 2007)
What others are saying about the Restorer:
Sharon Hinck gives us a beautifully-realized world that demands the best that an everyday, run-of-the-mill Mom doesn’t even know she has. Hinck’s prose engages us in every moment of the struggle as the strength of the One drives the battle of the faithful against unimaginable odds, Excellent characters and an intriguing plot provide readers with great entertainment along with spiritual inspiration and enlightenment. I simply loved this book, hated for it to end, and am grateful that there’s another in the Sword of Lyric series coming soon.
~ Kathryn Mackel, author of Outriders and Trackers
"Sharon Hinck has done a remarkable job in writing a fantasy for people who don't normally read fantasies. A soccer mom finds herself in an alternate universe where she has to save her adopted people from vastly more powerful enemies. Loved the swordplay. Loved the spiritual insights. Most of all, loved the main character, Susan Mitchell, a compelling mix of Everymom and Wonder Woman."
~ Randy Ingermanson, award-winning author of Retribution
What’s next?
The Restorer's Son releases in September (NavPress), followed a few months later by The Restorer's Journey.
My current books are available at all major bookstores as well as through my website at www.sharonhinck.com
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Great interview and we love your blog Rachel!
loved the interview. PattieWR (xanga) sent me over to say hi.
Great interview & this book looks like a really good read.
Great interview! The Restorer sounds wonderful!
THIS BOOK ROCKS! 'Nuff said!
Thanks for the interview! I enjoyed it. This sounds like a great book!
Hi All,
Thanks for stopping by!
Rachel :)
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