Resolved: To figure out why I can't stand to see my "round" thighs in the mirror during a 6:00 a.m. Spinning class, but forget completely about the matter by lunch time when I'm ordering McDonald's French fries.
What is up with that?
Okay, it's not every day I leave Spinning and order fat food, but how is my distain for being 20 lbs overweight so negated by the pleasure of food? Gotta tell ya, when I'm good and hungry, peeled carrots just don't hit the spot.
How can I want rock hard abs and a bag of chips at the same time? Why do I work at working out (work being the cornerstone word here) yet work so little at watching what goes down between the teeth and gums.
The apostle Paul had it right. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is so weak.
This I have resolved, though it's not been tested. To follow my Lover to the end.
Doesn't this statement scare the wits out of you? "Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold." Matt 24:12
I do not want my love to grow cold.
Fox News correspondent Steve Centanni and his cameraman, Olaf Wiig were kiddnapped and "... forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni said. "Don't get me wrong here. I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good things about it, but it was something we felt we had to do because they had the guns, and we didn't know what the hell was going on."
Tony and I chatted about this during our drive up to the city dump after purging our yard of wild bush and tree limbs.
"What would you do if a gun was pointed at you and it was convert to Isalm or be shot?" I asked him.
Of course I knew the answer. "Jesus! I'm home."
Driving up the road, safe for now in my own country, my heart told me I'd say, "Shoot me." But who knows how I'd really respond in the critical moment? I'd pray for the courage to say, "Jesus loves you. Shoot me if you must."
This is the scary thing we have to ask ourselves. "Will our love grow cold as lawlessness takes over the world?"
What will you do if the gun is pointed at your head? What if it's in your own neighborhood or church sanctuary?
Beloved, we have to wake up to the hour in which we live in. There's a holy war going on whether we want to believe it or not. Whether the news media wants to report it as such or not.
Like Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?"
Are we ready to stand? Are we ready to die for truth?
I want all the world to know Him. By love, not by gunpoint. I want my resolve to love Him until the end of the age to be stronger than my less than stellar resolve to have rock hard abs.
We battle not against flesh and blood, but against world forces of wickedness in heavenly places. Awake O, sleeper. Awake.
Dawn is upon us.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Dreams are important. We have to have dreams. They are the avenue that gives us hope when life drives us into the pit.
A pastor friend of mine said, "Most people end up being pitologist rather than dreamers."
Pitologist - Student of pits.
Life knocks us into the pit and we find ourselves studying and relating to our surroundings rather than holding onto our dreams.
"Oh well, guess that dream isn't coming true."
Joseph in the Bible was a dreamer. In fact, God spoke to him about his destiny in dreams. He said to his father and brothers in Genesis 37.
Listen," he said, "I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me."
But, his father rebuked him and said, "What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?"
His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
I've heard some say Joseph was arrogant to share his dreams. Thus, he ended up being dropped into a pit and sold into slavery. I think the opposite, Joseph was declaring his dreams and believing in them.
Sometimes our family and friends steal our dreams with their criticism or doubt. Whether your dreams are birthed while you sleep, or dropped in your heart and mind, cling to them. Don't give up.
Go to the Lord and ask for more clarity and revelation. Sure, not all of our dreams are from God. Don't see me winning Grammy awards do you?
But the dream to become a writer was from God, and He helped me see it through.
I have to admit I'm one very blessed woman. My parents and family have always supported me. My husband is a huge encourager and diffuser of discouragement.
But if you have to fight your own doubts as well as others, don't despair. Lean on Jesus. He's all we really need anyway.
Forget life's circumstances and dream. Where are we, really, without them. No matter how big or how small.
Dream a little dream with me.
A pastor friend of mine said, "Most people end up being pitologist rather than dreamers."
Pitologist - Student of pits.
Life knocks us into the pit and we find ourselves studying and relating to our surroundings rather than holding onto our dreams.
"Oh well, guess that dream isn't coming true."
Joseph in the Bible was a dreamer. In fact, God spoke to him about his destiny in dreams. He said to his father and brothers in Genesis 37.
Listen," he said, "I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me."
But, his father rebuked him and said, "What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?"
His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
I've heard some say Joseph was arrogant to share his dreams. Thus, he ended up being dropped into a pit and sold into slavery. I think the opposite, Joseph was declaring his dreams and believing in them.
Sometimes our family and friends steal our dreams with their criticism or doubt. Whether your dreams are birthed while you sleep, or dropped in your heart and mind, cling to them. Don't give up.
Go to the Lord and ask for more clarity and revelation. Sure, not all of our dreams are from God. Don't see me winning Grammy awards do you?
But the dream to become a writer was from God, and He helped me see it through.
I have to admit I'm one very blessed woman. My parents and family have always supported me. My husband is a huge encourager and diffuser of discouragement.
But if you have to fight your own doubts as well as others, don't despair. Lean on Jesus. He's all we really need anyway.
Forget life's circumstances and dream. Where are we, really, without them. No matter how big or how small.
Dream a little dream with me.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
What? 5:00 a.m.
The alarm jolted me awake at 5:09 a.m. Ohhhh, please. It's so early. But I dragged myself out of bed, got ready, gathered my stuff, pulled out of the garage, hit the car of the person parked behind me in the driveway ( I wasn't awake and it was DARK) went in and woke up our house guest and asked her to move her car, got back in my car and went to the GYM!
Yeah, baby. Spinning Class at 5:50.
So far, not too sore. It's been almost two months since I went to the gym. I wanted to stay for focused on finishing Diva NashVegas.
Now, I have to clean my house. I was going to yesterday but the vacuum wasn't working. Weird. So, I ran the outside hose door down the vacuum hose and eeww, you should've seen all the hair and stuff that came out of the nozzle.
Now, to start the process all over again.
Going to Barnes & Noble tonight at 9:00 to meet up with my friend Esther from Kansas City, and her friend Leah, whom I also love.
Peace out.
Yeah, baby. Spinning Class at 5:50.
So far, not too sore. It's been almost two months since I went to the gym. I wanted to stay for focused on finishing Diva NashVegas.
Now, I have to clean my house. I was going to yesterday but the vacuum wasn't working. Weird. So, I ran the outside hose door down the vacuum hose and eeww, you should've seen all the hair and stuff that came out of the nozzle.
Now, to start the process all over again.
Going to Barnes & Noble tonight at 9:00 to meet up with my friend Esther from Kansas City, and her friend Leah, whom I also love.
Peace out.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Saturday, Sleepy Day
Home from Poughkeepsie. We had a great time. God is so good and faithful. Our last meeting was Wednesday night and we lingered in worship and God's presence from 7:30 to 11:00.
We had prayer time in the middle where people gathered in groups of four to six and prayed for each other. Lots of good stuff happening.
The Lord is so generous. He loves to give to His Beloved. Just ask.
Did I mentioned we played Euchre every night. About midnight 'til two a.m. Perfect fun for me. God and cards with friends.
We were going to go down to the City on Thursday, but we were all too tired so we hung around the house, went to the movie, then out to dinner. Marlow's brother Terry and his wife, Kayle, joined us. Terry is one of my favorite worship leaders.
Next to you, Javi.
Got up at four a.m. Friday to get down to the JFK for our flight home. So very tired. Came home, got sorted out, took a brief, very brief nap, then went to Fire Dweller.
We've hit a new place in Fire Dweller. Aerobic intercession. At least when Javier leads. He had Alex on drums, and Christian played congas.
I'm telling you... They get in a musical groove and God is there. We were worshipping whole heartedly. Not for the sake of emotion or the music, but interceeding for our city, the lost, for God's purposes. It's amazing. And really, so fun.
Who says prayer and worship and intercession has to be boring. Teens and adults alike jumping and worshipping for well over an hour at Mach 10. And the AC isn't that great.
Smelled like feet in the sanctuary aftewards. LOL.
Going to have to require more deodorant for everyone for the summer time aerobic worship sessions.
We are in a war people. For our own lives but for our family's, our friend's, our city's. Matthew 11:12 Jesus says the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. He's not speaking of man-like violence, but heavenly violence. Prayer and worship. Fasting.
Jesus was violent on this earth. Yet He was the most kind and humble man who ever lived.
We have to engage in war. Spiritual war. Partner with Him to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Look at the middle east. They are violent about establishing their kingdom by human force. Their plan is know, declared and obvious.
We as Christians sit back and wait too much for God to move. Let's be in prayer. In His Word and BELIEVE He will tell us, reveal to our hearts, what He wants done. Then go do it.
It is His heart to work in and through us. Don't be a bench warmer. Get on the field. Make a play!
We had prayer time in the middle where people gathered in groups of four to six and prayed for each other. Lots of good stuff happening.
The Lord is so generous. He loves to give to His Beloved. Just ask.
Did I mentioned we played Euchre every night. About midnight 'til two a.m. Perfect fun for me. God and cards with friends.
We were going to go down to the City on Thursday, but we were all too tired so we hung around the house, went to the movie, then out to dinner. Marlow's brother Terry and his wife, Kayle, joined us. Terry is one of my favorite worship leaders.
Next to you, Javi.
Got up at four a.m. Friday to get down to the JFK for our flight home. So very tired. Came home, got sorted out, took a brief, very brief nap, then went to Fire Dweller.
We've hit a new place in Fire Dweller. Aerobic intercession. At least when Javier leads. He had Alex on drums, and Christian played congas.
I'm telling you... They get in a musical groove and God is there. We were worshipping whole heartedly. Not for the sake of emotion or the music, but interceeding for our city, the lost, for God's purposes. It's amazing. And really, so fun.
Who says prayer and worship and intercession has to be boring. Teens and adults alike jumping and worshipping for well over an hour at Mach 10. And the AC isn't that great.
Smelled like feet in the sanctuary aftewards. LOL.
Going to have to require more deodorant for everyone for the summer time aerobic worship sessions.
We are in a war people. For our own lives but for our family's, our friend's, our city's. Matthew 11:12 Jesus says the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. He's not speaking of man-like violence, but heavenly violence. Prayer and worship. Fasting.
Jesus was violent on this earth. Yet He was the most kind and humble man who ever lived.
We have to engage in war. Spiritual war. Partner with Him to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Look at the middle east. They are violent about establishing their kingdom by human force. Their plan is know, declared and obvious.
We as Christians sit back and wait too much for God to move. Let's be in prayer. In His Word and BELIEVE He will tell us, reveal to our hearts, what He wants done. Then go do it.
It is His heart to work in and through us. Don't be a bench warmer. Get on the field. Make a play!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Hump Day - Wednesday
Feels more like the final day, but it's only Wednesday. Flying up to Poughkeepsie on Saturday then getting busy with the week's meetings on Sunday has kind of skewed my weekly timing.
We are having a blast. God is so very faithful and good. He's meeting and encouraging the people of The River Church, connecting hearts and reestablishing relationships.
It's so great for us to be with Marlow and Tonya again, and Mike and Lisa.
I spoke last night on the Love of God. Did okay I guess. God showed up and poured out His love on people which is far better than how well I spoke.
The weather is beautiful.
It's been a good week.
Tomorrow we are going down to the City. Hopefully, we'll see a show.
Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourself in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness upon you.
I love this verse. It's speaks of stirring ourselves up to seek the Lord. To call upon Him. Break up the crusty, dry place of our lives by seeking the Lord. Ask Him to come and rain on you, encourage you, water the dry places. He will.
We are having a blast. God is so very faithful and good. He's meeting and encouraging the people of The River Church, connecting hearts and reestablishing relationships.
It's so great for us to be with Marlow and Tonya again, and Mike and Lisa.
I spoke last night on the Love of God. Did okay I guess. God showed up and poured out His love on people which is far better than how well I spoke.
The weather is beautiful.
It's been a good week.
Tomorrow we are going down to the City. Hopefully, we'll see a show.
Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourself in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness upon you.
I love this verse. It's speaks of stirring ourselves up to seek the Lord. To call upon Him. Break up the crusty, dry place of our lives by seeking the Lord. Ask Him to come and rain on you, encourage you, water the dry places. He will.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The booksigning and Pougkeepsie
Just a few minutes to "chat." I'm in Poughkeepsie, NY at The River Church and the evening service is about to start. Tony is speaking.
We flew up yesterday for a series of summer renewal meetings. We first met the people here 9 years ago when we brought the youth band up for a Youth Rally. It was amazing, more than any of us expected.
God is already pouring out this weekend and we feel in our spirits He is up to something good for the people here and in this city.
I speak Tuesday night on God's love.
More on this week later, I'm sure.
The booksigning at Barnes & Noble was so very fun. Great turn out. They accidentally received two cases of my books and we sold all of the books except two. How fun.
The other authors, Roxanne, Leslie and Karen were fabulous signing mates and we had a great time together.
Big thanks to Barnes & Noble and Roxanne for putting it together.
Well, better go. Grace and peace.
We flew up yesterday for a series of summer renewal meetings. We first met the people here 9 years ago when we brought the youth band up for a Youth Rally. It was amazing, more than any of us expected.
God is already pouring out this weekend and we feel in our spirits He is up to something good for the people here and in this city.
I speak Tuesday night on God's love.
More on this week later, I'm sure.
The booksigning at Barnes & Noble was so very fun. Great turn out. They accidentally received two cases of my books and we sold all of the books except two. How fun.
The other authors, Roxanne, Leslie and Karen were fabulous signing mates and we had a great time together.
Big thanks to Barnes & Noble and Roxanne for putting it together.
Well, better go. Grace and peace.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Sent in Diva
Just clicked Send on Diva NashVegas. The manuscripted cybered it's way to my editors' Inbox.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus.
Off to the booksigning.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus.
Off to the booksigning.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Up to my eyeballs
Up to my eyeballs in Diva edits.
My heroine, Aubrey James, is so much better than my writing can create her to be. True. She's such a fascinating character. I hope to do her justice.
Back to work.
My heroine, Aubrey James, is so much better than my writing can create her to be. True. She's such a fascinating character. I hope to do her justice.
Back to work.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Dwelling Place
Moses declared this of God in Psalm 90, "Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations."
Considering the journey of the Israelites before and during Moses day, how significant for him to declare, "You are our dwelling place."
Fast forward several thousand years, our cry must be the same. Whether we've lived in the same house or twenty houses, God must be our dwelling place.
It is the eternal perspective we need. He is our fortress and our hiding place. Our refuge and ever present help.
He must be our dwelling place, the only safe place is in Him.
Considering the journey of the Israelites before and during Moses day, how significant for him to declare, "You are our dwelling place."
Fast forward several thousand years, our cry must be the same. Whether we've lived in the same house or twenty houses, God must be our dwelling place.
It is the eternal perspective we need. He is our fortress and our hiding place. Our refuge and ever present help.
He must be our dwelling place, the only safe place is in Him.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
In The Fire

Worship with The Fire Dweller Band, and Javier, was outstanding! As Always.
The kids went for it, dancing like crazy for an hour. You can see how sweaty they are, but they've learned. The conference is about partnering with Jesus for His Kingdom, not a bless-me conference. They are blessed by partnering with their Lover.

Saturday, August 05, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Booksigning, August 11th, Barnes & Noble
Booksigning Notice
August 11th, 7:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble, US 192
Who's signing?
Award winning author Roxanne St. Claire
Award winning author Leslie Kelly
USA Today Bestselling author, Karen Hawkins
And me! Happy to be invited along.
I'll be signing "Georigia On Her Mind"
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The pain of sacrifice
We live in such an instant gratification society. We want everything to come quick and easy. We hate the labor. The pain.
High school grads want to make a living on minimum wage. College grads want to be millionaires by the time they're thirty.
Lawyers want to get rich suing doctors. People in general want to get rich suing each other.
Song of Solomon 4, the Bride says, "I'll go my way to the mountain of myrrh and hill of frankincense."
The mountain of myrrh speaks of sacrifice and denying self. Giving up our desires and wants to please our Lover, Jesus.
It's the radical pursuit of God, to obey. The mountain signifies the cost to our flesh.
The hill of frankincense speaks of the Bride's prayer life, and the incense before the Throne of God that reflects the prayers of the saints. (Rev 5:8)
The mountain of myrrh is too high without living on the smaller hill of frankincense. A little bit of communication with Jesus enables us to overcome the mountains in our lives.
Don't you love God's economy? A hill of prayer overcomes a mountain of obstacles and weaknesses.
But we have to go to the hill. We can't take the mountain of myrrh - a radical life in God, obedience and sacrifice without prayer.
Yet we try it. And get mad at God when things don't go well.
The "pain" of sacrificing our time to be able to overcome is well worth it. Think about all great things in life? Most come with some kind of pain or cost.
Children. Right? People have written books on the pain and sacrifice, but the beauty of the reward.
Love and marriage. Sacrifice of self.
A job or career. Education. Losing weight or getting into shape. Saving account. Writing a book.
But it's the fragrant aroma of sacrifice that goes up before the Throne of Grace. And He lavishes His love and grace over us.
Don't be afraid of the pain of sacrifice.
High school grads want to make a living on minimum wage. College grads want to be millionaires by the time they're thirty.
Lawyers want to get rich suing doctors. People in general want to get rich suing each other.
Song of Solomon 4, the Bride says, "I'll go my way to the mountain of myrrh and hill of frankincense."
The mountain of myrrh speaks of sacrifice and denying self. Giving up our desires and wants to please our Lover, Jesus.
It's the radical pursuit of God, to obey. The mountain signifies the cost to our flesh.
The hill of frankincense speaks of the Bride's prayer life, and the incense before the Throne of God that reflects the prayers of the saints. (Rev 5:8)
The mountain of myrrh is too high without living on the smaller hill of frankincense. A little bit of communication with Jesus enables us to overcome the mountains in our lives.
Don't you love God's economy? A hill of prayer overcomes a mountain of obstacles and weaknesses.
But we have to go to the hill. We can't take the mountain of myrrh - a radical life in God, obedience and sacrifice without prayer.
Yet we try it. And get mad at God when things don't go well.
The "pain" of sacrificing our time to be able to overcome is well worth it. Think about all great things in life? Most come with some kind of pain or cost.
Children. Right? People have written books on the pain and sacrifice, but the beauty of the reward.
Love and marriage. Sacrifice of self.
A job or career. Education. Losing weight or getting into shape. Saving account. Writing a book.
But it's the fragrant aroma of sacrifice that goes up before the Throne of Grace. And He lavishes His love and grace over us.
Don't be afraid of the pain of sacrifice.
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