Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Laughter: The best medicine

I sat with my friend Susie last night in a weird, tall, ugly room (yes, it was tall, weird I know) with bold overhead lighting debriefing from the week... thinking out-loud how the Deep Thinker's Retreat was going so far.

With the technical details and issues, thoughts and adjustments, aside our conversation paused... Susie glanced at her email.

"Oh, here, let me read you this," she said.

She read a clip from an email that just hit us funny. We started laughing which led to banter which led to more laughter, more banter, more laughter.

I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. My throat ached.

I needed to laugh. I felt different. I'd taken my medicine. No sugar required. Just a friend. A spark. And a willing heart.

Do you need a good laugh? Be willing, first, then go out and find a way to make merry!

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