Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Asa, Hurricane Frances and Another Title

Asa Montgomery Hayes came into the world Monday night. His oxygen levels were low, so they did some test to find his heart is wired wrong. They transported him to Nashville. Today they did angeoplasty today to enlarge the hole in his heart so the blood would circulate better. His oxygen level is up now and he's stable. They will do surgery to fix his heart in the next few days. Pete, Julie and Mom are going to Nashville today and will stay in the Ronald McDonald House. I'm so glad I dump my change in those buckets. Please pray for the little man. Julie and Pete are doing well, but this is not easy or ideal. Pete sent pictures and Asa looks like Julie.

Hurricane Frances is tracking for us. This is deja vu of '99's Hurrican Floyd. A category five, he came on the exact same path, and the experts predicted land fall in Melbourne. But, after the Bahamas, he turned north and weakened. Nevertheless, we are boarding up and leaving tonight for Tallahassee. We wanted to visit the folks this weekend anyway. Dad's birthday is Saturday. Mom is with Pete and Julie.

Tracie Peterson emailed me today and wondered if I could get Lambert's Peace done by April 1.

This summer has been very distracting, but I'm learning to write under all circumstances. :)

Tony is home. My guess is we will board up soon and head for Tallahassee this evening. We got doggy drugs so Pal and Jack don't yip and bark the whole time.


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