Thursday, December 23, 2010

And we have a winner!

I'm so honored and humbled by all who participated in the Dining with Joy Nook give-away. The voice and influence of others is so critical to an author's success these days.

Thank you!

The winner of the Nook from this grand campaign is..... (drums rolling)

Sherrie Maner!


Let's all give a shout out to this winner and join with her in the JOY of winning this season.

Merry Christmas to all.


Unknown said...

Congrats! Merry Christmas to all!

Rachel Hauck said...

Thanks friend Robin!

Sandra Kaczanowcke said...

Congrats to Sherrie.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year, too.

Julie said...

Congrats, Sherrie! enJOY!

Andrea Schultz said...

Nice Christmas/New Years present! Enjoy, Sherrie!

Anonymous said...
