Saturday, May 31, 2008
I crack myself up...
I love pulling out my diaries and reading them. I laugh out loud every other page. I kept them for seventeen years and after I got married, moved more to prayer and spiritual journaling. Although, my tossed up diary prayers like, "Oh, God, please let him ask me out," could be considered spiritual. A-hem.
This from April 13, '77.
"Oh, guess what? Partner (a nickname for a co-worker) told me Mr. Fisher (Publix manager, name changed to protect the innocent) is being transfered, even demoted! I 'bout died. There goes the ole ball game."
ROFLOL. What sixteen year old writes, "there goes the ole ball game." In 1977. Too, too funny. Okay, maybe you had to be there. Maybe you have to be me, but I think it's funny.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Brad Pitt on Brad Pitt
[Time magazine, 10/13/97] You shouldn't speak until you know what you're talking about. That's why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I'm a [bleeping] actor! They hand me a script. I act. I'm here for entertainment. Basically, when you whittle everything away, I'm a grown man who puts on makeup.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I am...
I'm such a sap. ;)
In other news, my summer release from Thomas Nelson, Love Starts With Elle, is Romantic Times Book Club Reviews, TOP PICK for July. Well, one of three. I'm stoked. It's my first Top Pick.
All glory goes to Jesus! I really was worried about this book because I wrote it in third person which is not my favorite voice. But I learned a lot writing in first person, so I tried to add the close, personal voice to the third person narrative.
Here's the review:
Hauck is quickly making a name for herself as an insightful and thoughtful
author. It's great to catch up with characters from previous novels as well
as meet new ones. Elle is vulnerable, yet wise, and the romantic angle will
leave you sighing with delight.
Summary: Elle Garvey is eager to get married, so when her pastor boyfriend
of two months pops the question, she doesn't hesitate to accept. Although it
means moving to Dallas from South Carolina, Elle knows she can operate an
art gallery anywhere. But things don't exactly happen according to plan, and
when Elle meets Heath, her heart is tugged in different directions. Can she
trust God to show her the path to choose?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday afternoon napping
Thursday, May 22, 2008
What I've been up 2
Monday, May 19, 2008
Welcome to the "Sweet Life" blog tour!
To celebrate the release of Sweet Caroline, I'm hosting a blog tour and a Scrumptious Baking Basket give away!
I'm super excited to be visiting these AWESOME blogs! What a blessing. Here is the schedule of blogs I'll be making stops at! Make sure to leave a comment on their blogs, because I'll be randomly selecting two people (who leave comments on these blogs during the tour) to receive a copy of Sweet Caroline.
Karla at Looking Towards Heaven
Martha at Our Familys Adventures
I enjoyed this book! It had great humor, a lively story line with great characters.
Trish at Books For Mom
Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck is all that and more! In fact, I have had to wrestle my own copy of Sweet Caroline out of the hands of my almost thirteen year old daughter's hands to even read it! She is addicted to it now, and I can't get it away from her!
Kathy at Sumballo
Angie at God Uses Broken Vessels
Deborah at A Cup of Joy
I loved this book! Such an enjoyable read. Of all the books I have read in my lifetime, some have made me cry…some have made me laugh…some have sent a chill down my spine…this one made me hungry!
Lena at A Christian Writers World
Amy at Random Thoughts Just have to tell you that the character of Caroline is soooo me. Her thought processes are just like mine. I loved this book. I loved the story. I loved that the author focused on how the character felt, dreamed and just lived.
Miralee at Coming Home
Melody at Kids, Cakes, Dishes, Laundry, In that order
The thing I loved most about this book was the cast of characters. Rachel Hauck has assembled a group of characters that are diverse, interesting, and highly entertaining. I fell in love with the staff of the Frogmore CafĂ© immediately, and when the book ended, I found myself wanting more. I didn’t want to let go of my new friends quite so soon, and I really wanted to know “what happened next”! To me, that’s always a sign of a good book…that it leaves me wanting to keep reading.
Laura at Texas Okie
The ending is not what you think. I thought this book kept the reader interested in the story line and kept you wanting more.
Tasra at Lessons From the Scrapbook Page
I will say this is now my favorite Rachel Hauck book. It was effortless to read and the story drew me in subtly yet strongly. I actually took my time reading it because I knew if I read it in one night, it would be over and I'd miss it. I actually practiced restraint in reading if you can believe that.
Margaret at The Cappuccino Life
I was very interested to note that one of the hard choices was the decision whether or not to sleep with a very persuasive boyfriend--and choosing not to. It's not often that a romantic heroine holds out for a better man and marriage. Even in "Christian romance" I've noticed heroines regularly make "mistakes".
Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee
That special menu touch is one way that author Rachel Hauck draws the reader in and makes her care about what's happening to the characters and how Caroline will make out in the end.
Deborah at Papcuts
After reading Rachel Hauck's new book Sweet Caroline, I imagined what it would be like if her main character Caroline visited a library.
Jamie at Surviving the Chaos
I put this book away like a pint of Dove Unconditional Chocolate Ice Cream. I just ate. it. up.
Dena at Mother Inferior
...I'm rarely taken in by a book like I was with the one I'm promoting today. Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck is a fun, summery chick-lit novel, but it's more than that. It's also a well-crafted, lighthearted-but-not lighweight literary representation of the delicious grace of God, served up with lots of laughter. Simply put, I loved it!
AnneMarie at Not Just a Mom
I just finished this great novel about a woman who always tries to do right by everyone. Shes the kind of girl who never wants to let anyone down. Caroline has put her life on hold so many times; she’s not sure where to begin. But God has a plan.
Jill at Christian Work At Home Moms
Joy at the Five Js
I also appreciate a well-written book, and Sweet Caroline is definitely that—a well-written book. Rachel Hauck didn’t write a predictable, “I-gotta-fulfill-my-contract”, Christian romance novel. No, Rachel crafted an original story that kept me turning the pages to read more, even at one in the morning—when I really should have been sleeping.
Laura at Lighthouse Academy
The faith message isn’t preachy, but expertly woven in. The setting is so developed, it is almost a character. And the secondary cast is strong, each with their own voice. The writing is impeccable. Don’t miss SWEET CAROLINE.
Michelle at Edgy Inspirational Author
I wasn't sure what to expect with this story. At first I thought it would be a straight chick lit, and in some ways it was. However, Sweet Caroline touched me in a deeper place than most lits do. I actually got choked up a few times. I rarely do these days. There were some very funny moments, some truly enjoyable girl times, and some romantic interludes that sizzled and popped. Best of all, though, was a spiritual awakening and a discovery of one's place in this world that was breathtaking and yes, sweet.
Billie at Hearing the Music Amongst the Noise
I've only begun to read this book. And it's the perfect under the shade tree book!
Barb at A New Chelsea Morning will tell you simply, I loved this book. Reading about Caroline and her quirky friends and how she always puts them first, herself last and does what it takes to help them made me want to be a better person. I couldn't put this one down and the Christian theme running throughout the book makes it even more special. You know I wouldn't lead you astray - trust me when I tell you, you'll love this book.
Amy My Friend Amy
I really loved this book. It's sweet, authentic, and real. It isn't really your typical chick lit novel, it's very charming and a joy to read.
Melody at Slurping Life
Living in the south, the real south, I identified and fell in love with each of Rachel's characters and settings. I know all about buttery biscuits, low country cuisine and South Carolina beaches. I have even been to Gay Fish Company while vacationing on the South Carolina isles. Immediately after beginning to read the book I became absorbed in Caroline's life, her kind spirit and her faithfulness to friends and family.
Audra at Penning Prose
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and Rachel Hauck’s delightful story-telling style. This is the second book I’ve read of hers (Georgia On My Mind being the first) and I look forward to reading more of her books. Add this one to your summer reading list!
Jennifer at Snaphots
I always find my mouth watering when reading stories that have food as a subplot. The descriptions of the food at the Frogmore Cafe definitely provoked that response–Frogmore Stew with shrimp and corn, moist cake with buttercream frosting, coffee lightened with half and half, and most importantly, Bubba’s Buttery Biscuits.
Betsy at Writer At Large
This was a fantastic novel! I laughed, squealed, gasped, cried, and yelled right along with Caroline as I read her moving, heartfelt story. Talk about relatable characters! Anyone who has ever felt the need to please others at their own expense will find themselves shaking their fist full of Kleenex right alongside Caroline.
I truly couldn't get enough of the town, the diner, the was all so real. My only advice when you read this story is to read it slowly - you'll be so disappointed when it's over!
Revka at Our Family Porch
Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck is a fun read.
Lauren at Baseball and Bows
Sweet Caroline, by Rachel Hauck, is an enjoyable book. I appreciated that the characters seemed very real to me. Their lives were far from perfect, and their problems did not always work out nicely and neatly. The characters did, however, learn that they could trust in God, regardless of how messy their lives might be. That is a great lesson for all of us!
Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
You'll enjoy finding out. Rachel Haucks writing is fresh, breezy and contemporary, and this book is as refreshing as an ice-cold root beer on a hot summer day.
Beth at The Writing Road
Rachel Hauck weaves an engaging story about the consequences of choices. The ending left me a bit surprised--but life has a way of doing that, doesn't it? Sometimes I think Hauck ended the book just right. Sometimes I wish she'd written a different ending. Hhhhmm. That's also a bit like real life, isnt it?
Joanna at Becoming His
I was sent a copy of Rachel Haucks latest release, Sweet Caroline...and I loved it! If youre looking for a novel to fill a little "me" time this summer, choose this one. As its title suggests, it is a "sweet" story. A lighthearted tale that isn't so light on the spiritual goods!
Patty at Girlfriends in God
I really liked this book. It is the type of book you dont want to put down. It had a great message on salvation, new beginnings and how much God loves us. The characters in this book are eccentric and fun to read about. This is summer time and what a great time to read some new books and this one will not disappoint.
Pam at Without Fear
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It's an easy read, because it quickly draws you into the lives of its characters and helps you to put yourself into their shoes without much effort. I can fully recommend this as a summer read for poolside or relaxing on the beach. You'll come away charmed by Caroline and her off beat friends at Frogmore Cafe...
DeeDee at Fiddledeedee
Recently, I received a copy of Rachel Haucks Sweet Caroline. I immediately fell in love with the small town that Rachels heroine, Caroline, calls home. The characters are vivid, and the story makes for a wonderful summertime read.
Lynetta at Open Book
Rachel Hauck tells such an engrossing, true to life story with all the Southern charm and wit one would expect in a chick lit novel. Caroline is an endearing character from page one—we are captivated by her dilemma—a sense of obligation and the desire for something big and exciting in her life. Hauck employs the present-tense, first person point of view typical in the genre, with seemingly little effort. As readers we are actually there with Caroline, watching her every move and hearing her every thought. This is by far the best chick lit I've read in a long, long time.
Tricia at Its Real Life
I loved the book! Make sure you add it to your summer reading list...if you can only read one--make it this one! You won't be disappointed.
Mindy at Ponderings of the Heart
This book delivered in all areas. It is love story in more than one way I think, and was all around an enjoyable read!!! The plot drew me in and the character's could have been friends of mine! I loved this book.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
She Always Wore Red

Sounds like a great story, Angie. I love the cover. Can you give us a brief synopsis?
"I'd love to," said Angie.
Jennifer Grahamm, mother, student, and embalmer's apprentice, could use a friend.
She finds one in McLane Larson, a newcomer to Mt. Dora. While McLane's soldier-husband serves overseas, Jen promises to support McLane, then learns that her tie to this woman goes far deeper than friendship.
When a difference of opinion threatens their relationship, Jennifer discovers weaknesses in her own character . . . and a faith far stronger than she had imagined.
A Romantic Times Top Pick! "Be prepared to shed a few tears in Hunt's emotionally gripping tale, the second in the Fairlawn series. With themes of family, friendship, and trusting God, the plot is enhanced by realistic and engaging characters. Jennifer's growth as a character is evident, and the supporting cast enhances the story in a significant way." --Melissa Parcels, Romantic Times reviewer
The first book in this series is Doesn't She Look Natural? Do people have to read the first book in order to understand the second? (And congratulations on the Christy Award nomination for that title!)
The Fairlawn series is set in a funeral home. Did you observe the embalming process in your research? I know for me, the more hands-on or the more information I have the better I can plot out the story and develop characters.
Did you read about embalming and interview morticians? It's fascinating.
My editor said that didn't feel right. "Too weird?" I asked. "No," she said. "There's always an odor in that room . . . not very appetizing." Ah. That's the sort of thing you can't always get from a book. :-/
(So true!)
Did you and your editors disagree over how much of the body preparation process was acceptable to include? I ask because I find all that sort of thing fascinating, and I think that I would include far more than most people would care to read, initially.
And you can be descriptive in a way that is clinical rather than gross. For example, "She searched for the carotid artery" as opposed to "her stomach clenched as her gloved fingers eased into the warm opening and she tried not to think of fish guts." So actually, none of my editors ever remarked on the level of detail . . . and none of my readers have complained. Yet. :-)
Sure. People die and Jennifer buries most of them. It's a funeral plot.
Ha,ha, you're so funny for one who writes about funeral homes. And besides, that's not much of a hint. Come on, give it up.
In She's In a Better Place, the third book of the Fairlawn series, Jennifer Graham is now running the Fairlawn Funeral Home. Her work takes on a new dimension when Gerald Huffman, her assistant and mentor, reveals that he has a serious illness. When she learns that he and his daughter haven't spoken in years, Jen decides to help them reconcile . . . but things don't go exactly as she planned. Once again, the mortuary is a setting for lessons of laughter, love, and life.
Um, Rachel, I think you're supposed to ask where they can buy the book.
I was gonna, I was gonna. (blush) So, please tell us how to get ahold of this book!
Be blessed, friend.
Readers, please, take time to get this series. I know you'll love it!