Friday, July 25, 2008

Dignity in Death

Allison Wilson and I drove up to Kristy Dykes funeral yesterday. It's always good to spend time with Allison, but we were both looking forward to Kristy's home going ceremony.

Unfortunately, we arrived late due to the keen-o feature of her husband's Porsch-a 911. Automatically lock the doors if the key is not in the ignition. The fact that the keys were in the driver's seat made no difference. Yes, we were locked out of the car sixty-three miles south of Jacksonville.

Nevertheless, the part of the ceremony we did participate in was so sweet, and infused with the presence of God. I teared up many times. Not so much of missing Kristy, although that is part of it, but because the Spirit of God, the Love of God permeated the room.

For about a minute, I physically felt jealous of Kristy. She's with Jesus!!

For me, and I'm sure many of the hundreds at the service, and those who witnessed her life and death on the blog, she reminded me of the way I want to live. In doing so, reminded me of the way I want to die. With dignity, with the love I have for Jesus infecting thousands.

How am I spending my time? What am I doing with my money and my words? How am I loving people? At the end of my life, those things are the only things that really matter.

You know how I'm convinced Kristy knew and loved the God-Man Jesus? Because in her dying, in her weak-conscious moments she worshipped Him, she radiated His love, she knew and experience His grace and peace.

The most impactful moment for me was when Milton told Kristy right before she died, "You won, Kristy, you won!"

Every time I hear or read those words, I cry. But it's deeper than what Milton proclaimed over Kristy. It's what Jesus is proclaiming over us, His Bride.

In out dying, beloved, we win! Die to self, you win. Die for Jesus, figuratively or literally, you win!!

"I run the race in order to win the prize."

1 comment:

  1. You said: "How am I spending my time? What am I doing with my money and my words? How am I loving people? At the end of my life, those things are the only things that really matter."

    Reminds me of that Nicole Nordeman song, Legacy--"not well traveled, not well read...I just want to hear Him say, WELL DONE." :)
