Monday, July 28, 2008

Book Clubs

I love book clubs. There's a resurgence of them these days - as well as things like knitting clubs. I met a fifteen year old girl who loved to knit.

Tonight I was honored to join a book club who'd read Sweet Caroline. It was fun to meet and talk about the book, hear how the reader interpreted relationships and scenarios. It put me in a whole different mind set of considering how different readers are, and their responses.

I can't write to that, I'd go crazy, but I can work to find unique angles. I love discussing a book after it's done. How it came about, why I made the decisions I made in writing or rewriting it.

This book club was a kind, smart group of women. Hopefully I'll have some pictures in a few days.


  1. Our church women's ministries sponsors a summer book club every summer. We look forward to it all year long. There's just something amazing about a bunch of women sitting around discussing the latest book - very satisfying!

    I just finished Love Begins With Elle - and I enjoyed every word of it.

  2. Rachel, this is great - that would be so much fun talking w/readers that way. Whenever you come to Kville the ladies at church that have read your books wnt to meet you - so I'll have them over for "tea" or something.

    Love you much

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I had a great time at the book club last night and really appreciated that you could join us!
    Thanks again, Rachel.

  4. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Your pic is so cute Rachel!
    Looking forward to seeing you next week :-)


  5. Thanks for coming and sharing your thoughts! Its always great to hear what was behind the writing and to learn more about the author!
