Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name

Some of the longest running and most popular television shows in the last thirty years have revolved around... Friends!

M*A*S*H. Even though this show is about an Army medical hospital during the Korean War, it was about friends. Men and woman bonded together by hardship and war as well as laughter. The show ran 11 years. And we loved the characters.

Cheers. Another 11 year show. Friends gathering at a Boston bar. The same people every day. Same time. Same place. Bonded by life's conflict. Romance. Friendship.

Friends. The show's title says it all. After a ten year run, Friends is still quoted in many conversations I hear. Even the other day Tony was talking to some teens and he said, "Didn't Joey say..." And we all knew what he meant. No one said, "Who's Joey?" LOL. Now, there are a lot of things about Friends I disagree with. They were a tad too casual about sex. Okay, a lot too casual. What we liked about the show is their comraderie. Their devotion. The sense of family. Or how Chandler and Joey could just walk into Monica and Rachel's apartment. Unrealistic that the door wouldn't be locked, but because it wasn't showed us there was free travel between the apartments across the hall.

I had something like this in sorority life. While at Ohio State, I was a member of Phi Mu. There was a deep sense of belonging and acceptance. We shared lives and stuff. Walked into each other's rooms and plopped down for a long conversation. Laughed. A lot. It's an amazing experience, but one that doesn't endure through life.

We grow up. Move on. Get married. Have families. Careers. I have to say for me, I had a strong sense of belonging with my natural family too. Home was always, always a great place to be.

Well, recently I've had some friends Stand By Me and I want to give a shout out to them. This is not by any means an exhaustive list. Just a few who have left a footprint on my heart in the last three months.

Chris Lynxwiler. Have to start with this dear friend. In December we started "writing together." Or was it January. We'd IM, set daily word count goals and cheer each other one and off we'd go. If one got frustrated or stuck, we'd IM the other. There were a few times I don't know what I wouldn't have done if she wasn't on the other end of an Instant Message. We had our writing ups and downs over the past three months, but it's been so fun to "hang out" with her.

Susan Warren. Always a phone call away. Always ready to listen and encourage. Susie became critical when the story just wasn't working and she took time from her own schedule to help me in a tremendous way. More than once. Prayed for me. Suze! Thank you.

Colleen Coble. Mentor and friend. Another one who's a phone call away, ready and willing to answer my questions. Her footprint is all over my writing life. Colleen was here. ;) I'm honored.

My Mom who prays and encourages. My sister, Beka. Everyone who posts a nice comment on my blog, thank you.

Of course, Tony. Who hears all my joys and sorrows. Over and over and over. He is truly my rock beside Jesus.

But there are many others who always encourage me in some way. Kristin, Tracey, Allison, Jeane, Elizabeth, Kasey. Recent friends such as Katie and Deena. Blessings upon you.

I've had opportunity to help new writers lately. I really enjoy it. I'm not as clinical as some, but I can read something and see what it needs at multiple levels. I hope I can be as objective about my own work. Actually, I think I am. That's why I'm so hard on myself. :)

It's a gorgeous day here. I'm off to ride my bike.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Rachel your blogs are always so open, showing your transprency. You as a beautiful woman and your walk w/the Lord is always inspiring to me. Thank you.

    Love Mom

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Ah Rachel . . .but I am the blessed one . . . to know you! Signed, Publicist to the stars. Tee Hee!

  3. Your post today, as usual, was lovely--as you are.

    Hope you're having a beautiful day on this Lord's day! As I write, it's grey and cloudy in Seattle. I pray you have a sunny day both inside and out!

  4. All the authors you mentioned ROCK...not just because they write great books, but because they are great women of God...

    As are YOU, my sweet friend:-)

    {{{{{{{{{warm hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Rachel, this blog was great. Thanks so much for sharing!
