Friday, March 30, 2007

Some lesser talked about Global Warming truths

From my hubby's blog:

I was having a discussion with someone about God and whether or not the Bible was reliable, and somehow we ended up talking about global warming and Al Gore's film.

I was a little surprised that an intelligent guy was buying the GW facts without doing his own investigation. My college degree is in Physics, so I have a science background. The facts below are grade school science level - btw.

Al Gore’s argument is that CO2, a greenhouse gas, is responsible for global warming, specifically man made CO2. Here are some inconvenient facts:

1. CO2 makes up less that 1% of our atmosphere. It is a minor greenhouse gas. A major one is water vapor.

2. The greatest producer of CO2 is the oceans. Man's contribution is way down the list.

3. We have records dating way back of the fluctuating global temperature. It happens. They have been going up (about 1 degree total) over the last 30 years. Prior to that we had a 40 year period of global cooling (during the height of carbon emitting industrial growth). Anyone remember the global cooling warnings of the 70's?

RH: I do! We did away with aeresol sprays and Freon because it was killing the ozone, making holes. So here we are, thirty years later and we are in a warming? Did our measures thirty years ago effect the atmosphere so much, we closed the ozone holes and are now experiencing a warming?

And, are the measure we take now going to cause some unanticipated effect in twenty-five years?

4. Al Gore showed a graph of CO2 levels from arctic core samples and compared it to a temperature change graph. What he didn't do is overlay the graphs. If he had, you would have seen that the change in CO2 followed years after the "corresponding" temperature change. A little problem with the order of cause and effect.

5. The size of the polar caps fluctuates regularly. This happens on Mars also, and its polar caps are currently shrinking. Can you guess what might be affecting the temperature on two different planets?

6. All the heat on earth comes from the Sun. Al Gore failed to consider the Sun's impact in his calculations.

7. If you overlay graphs of solar activity (like sun spots, flares, and solar wind) with temperature changes, they correspond almost perfectly.

So the real question is if global warming is not being determined through true and thorough scientific processes, why all the noise? My guess is it's political and way beyond American politics. We're talking global agendas that are way scarier than Al Gore's prognostications.

Below is a link to an online video (a bit over an hour) that gives the science and the politics behind Global Warming.


  1. This posting is dead on and what I've been saying for years. Except, I'm not sure about the "seventies" crises being about "cooling" As I recall the line given was the hole in the ozone was causing "warming" because the ozone "..protects us from the suns radiation.." etc. but hey, I could be wrong about that. I do know that in the late 50's to early 60's Pop Sci had a cover on Global Cooling. Also in addition to the Suns effects there are many other possibilities. Cyclical weather patterns (eg: hurricanes) that are measured in decades; fluctuations in/on the earths axis etc. Still it's amazing how many want to believe this. Can you believe the movie inconvienant truth is actually required viewing in many schools not only here but in Other Countries!?!
    Hold on to your hats kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride...

  2. Oh hey, BTW, what/where is Tony's blog??
