Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Win a Free Lost In NashVegas

Hey all,

I'm blogging all week over on Comment on one of the post and CCM you will be eligible to win a free copy of Lost In NashVegas.

In January, the book will be on the books page of CCM Magazine.

Thanks to Chris Wells for being such a friend and support.


It's Thanksgiving Eve and my friend Camy Tang blogged about things she is thankful for. Good idea.

1. Jesus. My friend, my love, my Lord. If you don't know Him, you should. He is so amazing.
2. My husband. What an amazing man, a true gift from God to me and so many others.
3. My wonderful Mom who is forging a new life as a widow, but embracing change and overcoming her fears. I'm proud of you, Mom.
4. My siblings: Danny, Joel, Peter-John and Rebekah, and their families. I love you all, very, very much. And my in-law family! What a great bunch you are! Mom and Dad Hauck, I love you.
5. My Grandma who still drives at 92. She is brave and enduring.
6. My Church On the Rock family, and Fire Dweller. Friday nights are my favorite night of the week.
7. My writer friends, Christine Lynxwiler, Susan Warren, Tracey Bateman, Susan Downs, Colleen Coble, Diann Hunt, Kristin Billerbeck, Denise Hunter, Camy, Mary Griffith, Lynette, Robin, Cindy Woodsmall, Amy Wallace, Meg Mosely and Marci Burke for being there in various ways and various forms. I appreciate you all. I'm sure I've left off people, but you know who you are.
8. My editors at WestBow, Ami McConnell, Natalie Hennaman, and editor at large, Leslie Peterson. Thank you a million times over. And everyone at WestBow/Thomas Nelson.
9. My agent Karen Solem.
10. My car. I like my car.
11. David White who makes me look like I know what I'm doing for Sunday morning worship and Friday night Fire Dweller when it's my turn to lead. I really appreciate you.
12. Eric Exely for being you.
13. Cassie, Carrie, and Elizabeth for being jewels in my heart.
14. Laura, Jer and the boys. Also jewels in my heart.
15. I'm thankful to do what I do - write for a living. Lord, you are such a God of fulfilling dreams and destinies.
16. My health. I'm thankful for that!

All I can think of for now and I have to get to work... Perhaps more later.

Peace and grace


  1. The special deal at myCCM is that if you post a comment you will be ELIGIBLE to MAYBE win a copy of Lost in NashVegas (WestBow). Many thanks to WestBow, of course, who provided us a limited number of copies for this special promotion.

  2. Chris is right. I fixed my blog. Sorry there are not unlimited copies.

    Post to be ELIGIBLE to win. :)

    Otherwise, support the arts and buy one.


  3. Aw, thanks for the cyber-fuzzies, Rachel!

  4. Awesome list, Rach! I'm pretty excited to be included. ;-) And I'm very thankful for you. You've been a wonderful encourager and friend on my writing journey. Thank you!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Count me in the contest. I'd love to get a copy of Lost in Nashvegas. Merry Christmas.


  6. aww that's a great list! Some of my favorite people are on that list!

    Okay, so I'm a little late in posting. Sorry about that. I'm trying to catch up on my favorite blogs tonight.

    I'm thankful for you too!
