Thursday, November 23, 2006

Evening at home

We're at home on this Thanksgiving evening with a fire in the fireplace after a very nice Thanksgiving day.

I actually made Grandma and Mom's yeast rolls. They turned out great.

At the moment, Tony is reading and I'm wathing old Andy Griffith TV shows on PBS. When we came home, I said, "Well honey, how's it feel? The Christmas season has started."

Then I turn on the TV and PBS is running old Bing and Andy shows and WGN is playing "White Christmas."

ITunes is offering Ohio State vs Michigan games for download. I bought the 2002 and 2006 seasons. You know, the years we won. They have two others and I'm sure those are Michigan victories. ;)

Tomorrow we'll put up our tree and I have to finish Diva galleys.

Peace in this season to you all.


  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I was all excited about your site but then you listed UofM and it all went down hill. I am a dyed in the wool Michigan State fan. GO GREEN GO WHITE!
    That god awful, bunch a pot smokin' poor excuse for a football team. Gawd, I hate that team. Like ya' can't tell already.
    Anyway, I just finished reading the little blurbs I get in my mailbox from Thomas Nelson; the chunks of a book. Yours was one of them. Good book, what I've read so far. But, now that I know you're a UOFM fan, I may have to cancel my order of your book.
    Cannot decide at this moment, it's too early and I haven't had my coffee yet.
    I'll get back to you on that one.
    Anyway, I guess it's good manners to congratulate you on such a fine book. Must have written it while being hoodwinked into thinking that that pathetic, poor excuse for a team were a bunch of winners. Poor thing, guess you never saw it coming.
    I'll pray for you before you lose your mind and go further off the deep end and actually think that Bo Shembechler was actually a good coach.
    Dawg, lots o' therapy needed here.
    I feel for you, my dear. TSK,TSK,TSK.

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I was all excited about your site but then you listed UofM and it all went down hill. I am a dyed in the wool Michigan State fan. GO GREEN GO WHITE!
    That god awful, bunch a pot smokin' poor excuse for a football team. Gawd, I hate that team. Like ya' can't tell already.
    Anyway, I just finished reading the little blurbs I get in my mailbox from Thomas Nelson; the chunks of a book. Yours was one of them. Good book, what I've read so far. But, now that I know you're a UOFM fan, I may have to cancel my order of your book.
    Cannot decide at this moment, it's too early and I haven't had my coffee yet.
    I'll get back to you on that one.
    Anyway, I guess it's good manners to congratulate you on such a fine book. Must have written it while being hoodwinked into thinking that that pathetic, poor excuse for a team were a bunch of winners. Poor thing, guess you never saw it coming.
    I'll pray for you before you lose your mind and go further off the deep end and actually think that Bo Shembechler was actually a good coach.
    Dawg, lots o' therapy needed here.
    I feel for you, my dear. TSK,TSK,TSK.
