Thursday, April 06, 2006

Heading out

We're going to Nashville next week. On the verge of writing Diva Nashvegas, my second book for WestBow, I needed to do some more research.

Tony is going with me. Yay!

I'd rather be home writing and working, but I know I need to get back to Nashville, look at the city from a Diva's point of view and scout out some different locales.

Finished my final edits on Georgia On Her Mind. I'm excited about this book. I can't believe it will be out in six months. Woo hoo.

Encouragement from the Word. Psalm 23 is familiar to us all. Perhaps too familiar. David beautifully paints a picture of the One true God and how He is able, within Himself, to provide all our needs.

He is our Shepherd. David proclaims, "I shall not want."

God is able to provide all our needs. No matter what the circumstance, He is able. Better yet, He is willing.

"He makes us lie down in green pastures," David writes. These are not idle words. Green pastures are an image of peace. Our Lord is a Lord of peace, both of heart, mind and soul.

"He restores my soul, He leads me in paths of righteousness."

He is a God who heals wounds and emotions. We don't have to be riddled with fear and anxiety. Walking in His ways leads us to right thinking, right living.

Peace out.


  1. Great post! Have a good time.

  2. So uh, just how much of a stretch is this going to be for you? I mean the looking at things from a "Diva's point of view"? ;-p

    Have a great time and God Bless!

  3. "We don't have to be riddled with fear and anxiety. Walking in His ways leads us to right thinking, right living."

    there you go again speaking into my life...
