Tuesday, April 11, 2006

First Day in Nashvegas

Tony and I had a great drive up Sunday. Thank you, Jesus. The weather was great and except for a few slow downs, traffic flowed.

Yesterday my brother Peter-John and his wife, Julie, and son Asa came over for the day. Fun! We had breakfast at the Pancake Pantry then ran around Centennial park with Asa before a visit to Harris Teeter followed by roaming around down town.

The picture is Tony and me with Asa on the steps of the Parthenon.

We had a nice dinner downtown, visited the CMT block party. It was okay, but we were tired, I think. We visit Grunn Guitars which is a nice, famous guitar store in downtown. Had fun talking to the sales guy about who he's sold guitars to.

When we got back to the hotel, I discovered my Lost edits back from my second round editor, Leslie, so I got to work on those. Mostly reviewing her edits and changes, then will go back and add or fix things she notated. It's in pretty good shape, thank the Lord. And thank you Leslie.

Today I'm meeting with some folks, Kim Hill, a Christian artist and a rep from one of the record labels. Probably drive around town some, figure out where my character will live and breathe.

Well, off to get some stuff done before the day gets away.

Peace and grace to you from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus.


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I love the pic!
    Thanks for the encouraging words too.

  2. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Sounds exciting! (And you're only a couple of hours from where I live!) ;)

  3. YOU'RE HERE AND DIDN'T LET ME KNOW?? I know you're busy with family, but would love to see you while you're in town.

  4. hope you have a great trip!

  5. oh, neato. Have a super time. I've heard of Kim Hill... :)
