Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fire Dweller Band and Florida Snow

Florid Snow. ;)

My Friday night Fire Dweller band. Awesome Dudes! Dan, Joseph, David (best dern guitar player) and me (average workship leader-singer, below average keyboarder.)


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    That's me!

  2. Love the pics! Your talent is more than you let on. :0) Personally I love to hear you sing.


  3. Only in Florida :) Sparse snow on lush, green lawns with palm trees that looks so much like morning dew in a picture that one must trust the author to believe it really is snow! - don't worry, I trust you, Rachel!

  4. Um. Snow? I'm squinting. Okay, I guess it "could have happened." :) Love ya~

  5. Yeah, I'm thinking I have to go with Pammer on this one. You have wonderful talent... you know what makes it better?? The fact that you let the Holy Spirit lead you. And Pammer is right I love'd it when you led worship that night in Nashville...
