Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Now, all I have to do is be brilliant

YEAH, pretty much. Genius. Become brilliant. That's all I want for Christmas. But lookit. The Bible tells me the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, and oh by the way, created the universe, lives in me. Brilliance, genius, unknown and unmeasured creativity lives in me. Now all I have to do is tap into it.

Anyone got a drill?

Sure, I know. Prayer. Communion. Intimacy. I'm working on it. Far be it from me to EVER say prayer and reading the Word doesn't work. I hate when people say that. To them, I snark, "Ha! Posh!"

Mostly, we forget to apply the Word. Believe it. Live it. Like hey, lay hands on someone who's sick and pray for healing. Jesus did. He tells us to do the same. In fact, He tells us we'll do greater works than He did. Or, hey, the same creative genius that conceived of earth and the human existance lives in you, fellowships with you - believe it!

Do we really think Tony Robbins and like motivators have some kind of mystic, unique formula for changing peoples lives? No. All he does is supply affirmative principles, then tells people to do them and believe them. Tony Robbins changed his life becasue he started believing in himself, his ideals and didn't let go.

What can Christians do with the Holy Spirit's wisdom? Ah, the souce of my soon-to-be revealed genius.

I recently read Steve Martin's Shopgirl and The Pleasure Of My Company. I said to Tony, "the man's a genius." Then I read several reviews online. I was right. He's a genius. Perhaps one way to become a genius is to study genius? Can genius be taught? Sign me up for Genuis 101.

Why do I need brilliance or genius you ask? I need another story idea or two. I have about a dozen rattling in my head, but they need genius. Brilliance. Something tells me I'm going to have to sit down, pray, think, pray, think, pray, write, think, pray, write... Well, you get the picture.

THE ROOF - The roof is NOT on fire. The guys are here "tearing off" getting it ready to be reshingled. The dogs are going crazy trying to figure out who's up there and what in Sam Hill they're doing. Tony finally closed the gate and let Pal out. Tony's now telling me he's going to cut a hole in the kitchen wall to run a wire and I think I'm going to go hide in the office.

JUST REMEMBERED - I got a prophetic word years ago from a man who said, "The Lord says you have a good mind. Whatever you want to do, do it. Want to go to law school, go to law school. Whatever you want to do, do it."

I've decided, I want to be brilliant. Hum. Guess I'm still stuck on that. Now seriously, it was a good word and I understand the Lord's heart toward me. I love the prophetic for that reason.

LAMBERT'S CODE - I heard from the copy editor and the content editor on Lambert's Code and they both love it. I quote: "Wonderful. Great writing. Believable characters."

Man, I praised God for that, so relieved. I guess my career isn't over. LOL. I promise you, when we were at Mom and Dad's during hurricane Frances, I laid awake at night going, "That's it. This book stinks. My career is over."

"Anywhere But Here" was at Steeple Hill and I hadn't heard from them yet, and wow, I was getting beat up. But I have the source of the universe as my friend and comforter! Whoo hoo. Man, if you don't know Jesus, ask for an introduction. He's so cool!

EXERCISE - I think I'll do some and take a shower followed by a nap. Just found out I'm teaching at youth tonight.

STU - Also just learned out I'm going to lunch with our friend Stuart who's in town from Kansas City House of Prayer. Cool. I'd better get going.

FROM the book of totally useless information - The first scientifically planned slimming diet was devised in 1862 by Dr. Harvey an ear specialist, for an overweight undertake (incidentally, dieting was initially something that only men tended to do - women didn't start dieting until htey stopped wearing figuring altering corsets.)

To this I say, "Bring back the corset!"

Quote from my diary:

May 19, 1976 - "Went to church. Danny, Jerry, Pam, Sue and I sat together in the back. We had fun. We passed notes back and forth. I was sure Ron was going to say at any minutes, 'Would that back table please straighten up!' Boy, I would have died."

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