Sunday, April 10, 2011


Three weeks ago, good friends of ours announced they were moving back to California. The husband was returning to his old job at Pixar.

I've always loved their house, especially the super-duper office and living space they'd added. I call it the turret tower. I'll post pictures later.

Yet we love our house and frankly we couldn't afford their house. Our friends had other options and plans anyway, but it didn't stop me from joking about buying to for a ridiculous sum of money.

Two weeks ago, I prayed, "Lord, if there's anyway we could get their house, I'd love to, but we are very happy here."

Four days later our friends called. "We think you all should have the house. Let's get together and talk."

Hubby and I were blown away by their offer and plan. It was extravagant. As a result, the Lord answered another prayer I'd been praying to pay off a small debt we had plus to forgive a debt owed to us.

I never imaged the Lord answering my prayer to get out of debt, to forgive a debt in such an amazing way.

Extravagance led to extravagance.

As a society, we live so close to the wire, pay check to pay check there's no room to be extravagant. We're concerned about our 401ks or amassing saving that we can only "tip" others.

Our friends lived debt free. They were blessed to buy their house with cash. And at the peek of the market!

But instead of wanting all their money back or even most of it, they decided to be givers, they decided to yield to God's tug on their heart.

Listen, the office alone is worth their selling price to us. And it's not befitting of my lowly author status. Hubby said, "Well, now you have room to grow!"

We sold our house in six days. We have to go through the final motions and I guess we can't completely exhale until the closing, but when we see God moving in the midst of something, there's just no room for doubt.

I'm convicted more than ever to choose a lifestyle that allows me to be extravagant! Because our God is extravagant and there's no way we can out give Him.

How about you? Are you willing to trust your finances, your career, your future to an Almighty who cares for you? Extravagance!


  1. Wow! This is challenging me and confirming what I have been seeking the Lord on. Hmmm...ok...

  2. Awesome!!
    God's been teaching me about prayer this year. I didn't realize that I stopped asking for things like this. I stopped expressing my heart.
    I'm excited for you! Can't wait to come visit :-)

  3. Thanks for the challenge Rachel, it's so easy to fall into the "get by" attitude.
