Friday, September 03, 2010

I'm going to a Buckeye Football game

Lots going on this weekend. Not necessarily in my life, but around the world and in your neighborhood.

I'm finishing up Love Lifted Me with Sara Evans. I'll be glued to my desk chair for the next few days but I'm excited to "have written!"

Today at 11CST I'll be on Kitchen Chat with Maragret McSweeney. Check my Twitter box for the link.

It's opening college football weekend! Just a big fat "Yay!" to this great fall season tradition.

Next week I'm off to Ohio State for the 25th reunion for the class of '85. I was just going to go to the cook out and tailgate party but last night I bought a ticket to the game! I'm on A Deck for those of you in the know and we're playing Miami Hurricanes and I CANNOT WAIT! It's going to be a great game, great weekend and I'll be raising my song to the alma mater.

I'm going by myself. Hubby can't go due to work and other schedule conflicts so I'm bummed about that but I'm going to have a great time. I'll blog about going to the game by myself.

After the game, I'm driving south to my father's home town to visit my aunt and cousin. Then back to my in-laws in Indy to prep for the ACFW conference.

Lots going on the weekend of the 17th - 19th. I'm leading worship, teaching a continue education class with Susan May Warren and tackling my own workshop on metaphors.

But "I'M GOING TO A BUCKEYE FOOTBALL GAME" may just be the highlight of my year.

Well, I've had a few other fun highlights this past week of which I cannot speak but when and if I can, I'll let you all know.

In other good news, I signed a new contract with Thomas Nelson for a book called The Wedding Dress about a hundred year old gown that impacts the lives of four women. "One dress, four woman, and amazing God journey." I'm very excited about this book.

Peace out. Back to writing.


  1. Have fun at the game, Rachel!

  2. Thank you! I can't wait.


  3. You know, when I was a student there I would sometimes leave after halftime and head back to the dorm to study. Now I'd love to return--and stay for the whole game.

    Congratulations on the contract (sounds like a must-read) and on all the other good things He's bringing your way. Oh, and while you're in Ohio, check out "Buckeye Blitz" ice cream. Another Buckeye writing friend alerted me to that the other day!

    Best of Buckeye blessings to you--

  4. Sounds like a lot going on. I actually went to grade school and junior high in Ohio, then moved to Maine. Can't wait for your new book. I returned home yesterday to a box with one of your books I had ordered. Don't you just love opening a box that you know contains books? :)
