Thursday, August 26, 2010

Really, is it about Jesus? Or me?

Years ago I had a dream. I was in my physical house and the Lord hovered over me. I saw my curling iron plugged into the kitchen outlet. The blender was plugged into the bathroom outlet.

The Lord said, "You can't exchange your experience for truth, or you feelings for faith."

Experience and feelings are valid, but they must be viewed through the light of the Word and the faith that comes from Jesus, and the Spirit that dwells within us.

Our struggles and successes should always, always, always point to Jesus and that He has set us free. How He is the way, the truth, the light. The magnificent healer and deliver.

If we're living in the past, we reflect nothing of His divine nature.

Beloved, look up! Look to Jesus. Tell the world how He's set you free. If you can't, are you really free? Is your Christianity based more on your experienced and feelings than the truth of Him?

I struggle daily with this! Despite my desires for success, I must want, I must crave Jesus to shine more from me... than me.

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