Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Lyrics of our Heart

I'm digging the music and sound coming from The Jesus Culture these days. We did this song in worship this morning. It rocked our hearts.

I love it because the song is true. The lyrics reflect the truth of our hearts while drawing us into the truth of who He is!

His love never fails.

We have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead in us! Romans 8:11, Colossians 1:27. We don't have to be in the dark, be without joy, without comfort. In the midst of our darkest trial, He is with us.

Song lyrics reflect the heart of the songwriter. If I were to write a song it would say how in my darkest moments when I felt God was distant, He was there. How He came to me, spoke to me when I needed Him. How He delivered me from all my fears. His love never fails.

Tell me a few of the lyrics of your heart today.


  1. As I wait on the Lord I keep thinking about how I'm strong in Him. I wish I were a songwriter because I'd love to write a song about that.

  2. Once again you have written a very thought provoking post. If I could write a song it would be about the depth & purity of God's love.

  3. Cool song. I had never heard of them or the song. Awesome.
