Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Eve Eve

I'm in Indianapolis visiting family, waiting for the Big Day. I already know one present. Hubby had to ask my opinion.

I'm off to meet an old college friend for coffee, so more on that later, but what are some of your favorite Christmas memories or gifts.

Do you like to be surprised or do you prefer to help pick out your presents?


  1. I want to be surprised!! Gifts isn't my love language, but I enjoy giving them--and being on the receiving end as well!

    That being said, I already know one of mine (I was with the person when they bought it and instructed me to "forget" it) and am really excited about it!

  2. WHAT was the present???

  3. Mom, I got a bluetooth headset to use with my iPhone. It's cool!

    Love you!
