Monday, September 21, 2009

Sweet Caroline wins!

How's that for a heading. . .

Sweet Caroline won Best Lit in the American Christian Fiction Writer's Book of the Year. Very thrilled to have won! What an honor.

I wasn't prepared to win so I didn't have any cute stories, and I forgot to thank Christine Lynxwiler and Susan May Warren who saved my bacon four days before the book was due. But the Lord was the one who really intervened.

More later on what my speech should've been and thoughts on the ACFW conference. But for now, this is the news.


  1. Hugs and big congrats, Rach! Thoroughly deserved :)

  2. wow rachel! that IS a huge honor...can't wait to hear more about the conference!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! Sweet Caroline is getting all kinds of awards & THAT'S WONDERFUL.

    Love you

  4. Thanks Rel, Jodi and Mom!
