Wednesday, April 01, 2009

God in the market place

I was leaving an office building down town this morning and passed a woman reading a library book in a little alcove.

She kind of smiled. I kind of smiled. You know, the weak, "Hey. . ." and move on.

As I jogged down the stairs, I had a sense to go back up and talk to her. About what? To witness? To make sure she's having a nice day?

Maybe it's just me being weird because I didn't give her a big smile and loud hello.

Out the door and down the sidewalk, I still felt the tug. God? Then I knew, she was asking God for or about something and He wanted her to know He was going to do it.

I turned around.

"Hi, I'm Rachel." I offered my hand.
"I'm Teresa." She shook my hand before removing her glasses.
"Are you asking God for something?"
Smiling, she sat back. "Yes, I am."
"He says He's going to do it. Keep surrendering, keep asking."
"Thank you very much, I will."

Mission accomplished.

Look for God to use you in the market place today!


  1. that's really sweet. Reminds me of the verse in the Old Testament, "Obedience is better than sacrifice."

  2. WOW!! When we yield to the Lord on something like this, there is such a wonderful peaceful & fulfilled feeling afterward.

    Love you

  3. how awesome to be used by God like that
