Friday, March 06, 2009

A few days with my sister

My sister came down for a few days, taking a break from her brood-o-kids and job to spend a few days of rest and relaxation.

We didn't do much. Shopped a little, ate a little, (I lost weight at my WW weigh-in this week!) and watched Frasier DVDs. A fun time was had by all.

Here's a picture of us when she was four and I was fourteen, then another of us now, thirty-fours later. Dig my octagon wire frames.

I think we look better now thought she was a pretty cute kid. Thanks Mom and Dad for my baby sister.


  1. Oh, how fun! My youngest sister and I are also about 10 years apart. :)

  2. YaY! It was fun fun fun. (I am a bit Psy-Kick)
