Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Book Therapy "From the Inside Out" Book

My Book Therapy is releasing it's first writing book based on our craft blog from last year. I got my copy in the mail today. It's awesome.

Susan May Warren, My Book Therapy's founder and fearless leader put together a GREAT project. I'm so honored to be associated with her and this business.

And, best of all, I get to help others along the way.

Check out this video on You Tube.

Want to win a copy of From the Inside. . .Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You for your very own? Leave a comment here and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.

Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session by leaving a comment here telling us a brief synopsis of your story!

All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!

Join the fun!

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