Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Getting in the holiday spirit

It's not snowing outside, but I'm getting in the Christmas spirit. Of course, the last time it "snowed" in central Florida was '89 and I-75 turned into a parking lot.

We had a great Thanksgiving with my family in Knoxville. My mom's home is always so cozy and inviting. I inherited my aversion to over head lights from her. We like balance, warmth, ambiance.

It was good to see my 94 yr old Grandma and two of my brothers and my sister. (Middle bro, we missed you.)

Then there were the nieces and nephews! They are always fun and I enjoyed hanging out with them. They grow up so fast. My sister is unhappy with me however 
because I gave her two girls, 4 and 2, make up. They've come out of their room with heavily made up eyes more than once. And the four year old wanted to put on make up for pre school.


The good news is she can't get me back!

After Knoxville, hubby and I spent a few days in Nashville. Had a great time. I met with my agency, Creative Trust, went to the Bluebird Cafe where Monty Powell (think Keith Urban hits), his wife Anna Wilson and country crooner Billy Dean played. Think "Somewhere in My Broken Heart."  I talked to them afterwards which is why the 'Bird is such a  great place.

Also had breakfast with my editor, Ami McConnell. She's amazing and I'm undone to be able to work with her. I learn so much every book and she's incredibly encouraging while being honest and helpful. Ami gets writers. After chatting and eats, I stopped by the Thomas Nelson office to say hi to the fiction team. Another fabulous group of people.

The trip home via Atlanta's airport was looong and confirming my distain for air travel as well as Atlanta's airport.

But, I'm not complaining. 2009 will consist of less and less Rachel Hauck complaining. Like really, what's the point? And it only sullies my heart and mind. One day when I stand before the Father, I'd like not to hear all my whining and complaining played back to me. Ack, can you imagine.

Even my thoughts! I think those ring louder in the heavens than my words. So, I'm capturing those bad-boys too.

Check in with in around March '09. I might have ceased to exist with all this restraining of complaining.

Well, enough. Must work on rewrites.


  1. Two great pictures Bek & good post. I pray no matter how crowded the house is it will always feel comfortable & cozy.

  2. Yeah, whatever- blah blah blah. I'll find a way to get you back. I may sneak down there and "decorate" Lola
