Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A lesson in love from my hubby

Tuesday nights you can find me in down town Melbourne. On the first and third, we have a house church in a local community center and theater.

On the second and fourth, we prayer walk and meet the community surrounding down town, asking how to pray for them. We mention the house church, but really want to be a source of encouragement and strength.

At 9:00, we meet at the coffee house and set up for dream interpretation. Again, we want to reach the community with light. We don't shove Jesus at anyone, but sincerely try to interpret a dream and if there is opportunity, speak of the One who created dreams, we do. Our prayer is Daniel 1:17.

Let me tell you, we've had some whopper dreams. Unbelievable. Guess what. God always gives us insight. You should see the faces of people brighten as we assure them the elements of the dream don't mean what they thought. Or, we move from interpretation to encouragement. Their eyes widen. We can see our words resonating in their hearts.

The coffee house is the typical coffee house - lots of groups meeting to talk, to discuss, dialog. The Wiccans used to meet at this coffee house, but have moved locations. They had their own infighting to deal with. College kids hang out there, people discussing every thing from dreams to politics.

The past two weeks there's been a gathering of people talking politics. Loudly.

Tony was reading a book while sitting next to them, and returned to our dream table and suggested, "Let's ask the Lord how we can meet them and love them."

We prayed, asking the Lord to open a door for us to love them. 

God heard us. He opened the door. Now, it's up to us to hear His heart for her and love her. Who knows if we are not the only ambassador of Christ some of these people will encounter.

Oh, Lord, use me. Us use!

So, I learned a lesson of love and holiness from my hubby last night. He's good that way.


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "He returned to our dream table and suggested, "Let's ask the Lord how we can met them and love them."

    Geez, dude, why don't you bring holiness into it! ;)"

    This is why I love Tony! Being exposed to this for the last 15 yrs has completely impacted how I think and live.

    Love you both!

  2. Great to read, Rach - thanks for posting this!

    I had a dream the other night about Susie May Warren - LOL!!
