Friday, April 18, 2008

Updates on a boring life

Okay, life has been a little boring lately - I'm happy to report.

Not boring to me, but just no a whole heck of a lot to report. Life is status quo and I'm glad!

I am feeling quite ranty about politics, but I'll refrain from spewing here. I'll say this, "Think, people, think. Listen! With both ears, your heart and your head!"

Ask questions, don't just go, "Hmm, that sounds good."

Ask how? When? Why? What will it cost me and my children, and future Americans?

Moving on... I have the galleys for "Love Starts With Elle" and will be reading over them the next few days.

I'm teaching a workshop Saturday at the Daytona RWA chapter. My topic is "The Third Character - Universal Truth."

It took me awhile to put it together, but it turned out really nice. In the near future, you can down load the class from MyBookTherapy.

Sometimes the best way to learn about writing is to teach.

Our little dog Lola is doing great. She's so cute. Between hanging around our other dog, Pal, and our cat, Red, her personality has blossomed.

The cat bit the bottom of my foot Sunday afternoon. Good thing he doesn't have front claws or my leg would've been torn up. He's a grumpy old man, that Red. I was on the couch watching a movie, Gridiron Gang, and he hopped up on the cushion by my foot.

Next thing I know? Mortal pain. I think he was mad because he wanted to sit with me, but I had Lola on my lap.

Five days later, it still hurts, but I can walk without hobbling now.

Yes, Red lived. I didn't kill him. He's sixteen so his days are numbered anyway.

Lost 5.5 pounds on Weight Watchers in three weeks. I'm happy with that considering the cat bite and another minor heath issue has impeded my exercise routine.

But never fear, I'm on the mend.

Did you hear about the healing revival breaking out in Lakeland with evangelist Todd Bently? Very cool. Check out the details at

We are praying for the same here in our county. This Sunday, the pastors made room for extended worship to focus on the Lord and pray for people. And, ah, we have to do an unplugged set because our drummers are going camping.


My "daughter" Cassie will be helping with worship this September for American Christian Fiction Writers. She is full time staff for the Night Watch at the International House of Prayer-KC. She's a worship leader and bass player for Misty Edward's band.

My other "daughter," Cassie's sister Carrie will be with us too. She's a writer for the State of Florida and one of the most compassionate people I know.

I'm working on a new story idea, too. Will keep you posted.

This is weird, I'm addicted to Gilmore Girl reruns. Yeah, go figure. I loved the show, but so hated the way the writers ended the series I had no interest in reruns.

But, now, I'm hooked.


  1. I started watching "Gilmore Girls" when my cousin got a part in seasons 2-3 (he played Jess, Luke's nephew--his name is Milo Ventimiglia and now he's on "Heroes.").

    I think the dialogue in GG is just so fabulous! Milo told my mom once that the scripts were almost 2x as long as a regular hour-long drama because of that rapid-fire repartee.

  2. Wow, Pattie, your cousin is Milo? Very cool!

    I can believe their scripts were twice as long due to the dialog. I think I'd be ad-libbing a lot.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Hugs, R

  3. So glad you have some breathing time -it may get pretty hectic later, and Red, you bad cat!. . . :o)

    Love you Mom
