Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Writer's Retreat and book signing

I'm in Arkansas at After Words book store and cafe with Christine Lynxwiler, Tracey Bateman, Susie Warren and Susan Downs. 

We had a day of writing talk and brainstorming, then a day of a writing workshop and book signing. 

We are having a great time, hanging out and getting to know the great people in Hardy. The book store owner is very gracious and excited about authors. 

I'm on the other side of a dog-tired. This has been a hectic few weeks. Working on Love Starts With Elle rewrites, an ACFW board meeting in Minneapolis, then coming here. It's been fun, but busy.

Next week? Sleep and reading, catching up on a few things that need to get done. Hubby wants to do some de-junking and get ready for a garage sale. I'm all for it. We've lived in our house for ten years now and it's time to get rid of some stuff.

Lola is doing great, btw. Pal is getting along with her although Red the cat is wondering what little grey beast is napping with his "human."

Grace and peace. More later.


1 comment:

  1. WOW Rachel - I thought when we talked briefly the other day that you said something about just getting back fro m Minneapolis and I had no idea you were in Arkansas. I've been meaning to call you every day but didn't so I guess this is why!! :o) Maybe we can talk Monday.

    Love ya Mom
