Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lola Eaten by A Pit Bull


Man, it was scary.

Today was a cool day in central Florida, so taking advantage of the weather, Tony and I took Pal and Lola on a late afternoon walk. I needed to stretch and break from rewrites for a few minutes.

Lola is doing great - has a new bed and new leash.

We're strolling along one of our routes and as we near a corner house, a man is trying to corral a dog in his yard. But she would have none of it, maneuvered around him, ran straight for us and JUMPED on Lola. I'm not kidding.

So, I do what I can - scream. Which always helps.

Tony goes for her collar, misses, but it makes the pit bull move enough so I can get Lola free. Poor thing. I'm pulling by the leash and can't get her in my arms fast enough so she's dangling by the neck.

The pit bull started to go for Pal which would've been a fight-fight, but the owner arrived on scene and snatched up the mean dog. The lady-owner hit her with her hand on it's back side a few times which I thought, "Geez, she doesn't even know what she did. How are you helping?"

They apologized to us, but wow, it was scary. That happened to me once before with good ole Jack. A Mastiff jumped him after they sniffed noses and hind parts.

But this pit bull did not even hesitate. She went right for little Lola.

Tony said to me, "You know, screaming makes it worse."

"Yes, but I can't help it."

After the big drama, we trotted on down the road. Lola-Fifi (what I call her) was toodly-doing just fine.


  1. There's something so scary about pit bulls. My parent used to have one named Xena who was positively wild. Since I got bit by a big dog on the bottom as a child, I've always tried to steer clear =)

  2. poor Lola. Does Tony need to be fit for hearing aids now?

  3. Oh no!!! I would have been screaming too! And I probably would have attacked that other dog owner like his dog attacked mine! :-) I'm so glad you're all safe - Tony's one brave man putting his hand in the middle of it!

    I really hate pit bulls, and won't listen to any arguments trying to change my mind. When my younger son was a toddler, we moved into a house with an 8 ft privacy fence all around the back yard. I loved it until the day the neighbor's pit bull ate through the wooden fence, trying to attack my baby! I grabbed Jonathan in time, and ran in the house. We later discovered the guy kept beef carcusses hanging in a tree, training the pit bulls to attack.

    We called our city councilman, and pit bulls were soon outlawed inside city limits.

  4. Oh no!!! I would have been screaming too! And I probably would have attacked that other dog owner like his dog attacked mine! :-) I'm so glad you're all safe - Tony's one brave man putting his hand in the middle of it!

    I really hate pit bulls, and won't listen to any arguments trying to change my mind. When my younger son was a toddler, we moved into a house with an 8 ft privacy fence all around the back yard. I loved it until the day the neighbor's pit bull ate through the wooden fence, trying to attack my baby! I grabbed Jonathan in time, and ran in the house. We later discovered the guy kept beef carcusses hanging in a tree, training the pit bulls to attack.

    We called our city councilman, and pit bulls were soon outlawed inside city limits.

  5. Poor Lola-FiFi glad you or Tony didn't get bitten. Sounds like the Pit Bull has a mean master.

    Have a great day
    Love Mom

  6. So sorry that happened to your new dog! But I'm very happy no one was hurt!


    PS I would have been screaming too!

  7. I too would have screamed but then i have a fear of dogs. im glad nothing bad happened. i htink i would be giving that street a wide berth. those sorts of dogs are dangerous.
    glad Lola is fine
