Sunday, February 24, 2008

I found a dog

Thursday morning while running an errand, I spotted a little dog wandering down the road. I pulled over to see if she was okay, if there was a tag with her collar.

Sadly, there wasn't. She was friendly to me, but kept wandering down the side walk, trotting up each driveway to the front walk to the front door, sniffing.

Then she'd go around to the back of at house. At one point, she sat in between two yards, looking east, then west as if to inquire, "Which way home?"

I knew she was lost, so I called her again and took her with me on my errand. She was too cute peeking between the two front seats from the back.

We've had her a few days now and while working to find her owners, we are making her a part of our family.


  1. She is so cute, hope you find her owner, especially if they really love her. Otherwise you have a new family member.

    Love Mom

  2. So you have a new member to your family? I can't see you getting rid of her.

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Recently, our family found a lovely black lab. We put an add in our local paper. Our paper here does not charge for "FOUND" ads. We received only one call. It wasn't the dog the caller had hoped it would be. We then took this beauty of a dog to the Vero Beach Humane Society, an amazing wonderful adoption center. Well, this little girl had no collar, but she had a miro-chip. Her owners were contacted, and well, we
    knew this Humane Soc. was the best place for her. Even if her owners had to drive to Indian River County to get her back. Hope you can find her owner.

  4. What a cute doggie. I seriously thought about "finding" a dog because I want another one, but hubby does not (just for a second or two, really).
