Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sweet Caroline is almost here!

Sweet Caroline, my next Thomas Nelson book debuts February 12. I'm so excited.

Romantic Times Book Club wrote:

Hauck's adorable novel contains the multi-layered characters readers have come to expect from her books. The enjoyable story and unpredictable ending entertains and offers much to think about.

- 4.5 Stars, Melissa Parcel, Romantic Times Book Club

I'm so busy finishing Love Starts With Elle I haven't thought much about promoing Caroline's story, so I thought next week I'd write a "Behind The Scenes With Caroline Sweeney" blog series and talk a little about this book and why you want to buy it. :)

Isn't it funny, so much of the time we just see the book cover and blurb and it's hard to know, "Why do I want to invest my time to read this book?"

So next week I'll talk about why I invested seven months writing this book (besides having a deadline) and why it might be fun for y'all to read.

But today, I'm back to work on Elle. This story will be more straight up romance with a small subplot. But, it's a great story!


  1. February 12th is not so far away. How exciting. Elle sounds like a great story as well.

  2. Rach, I was thinking yesterday that I probably could order this early on Amazon by now. So looking forward to reading it.

  3. I love the cover for Elle! Looking forward to Sweet Caroline.

  4. Just wanted to let you know--I just read Lost in NashVegas. I LOVED it! Laughed the whole way through. My 13-yr-old daughter added it to her books-in-line-to-read (which is quite long!).

    I recommended you to my women's fellowship class on Sunday. Can't wait to get my next Rachel Hauck!

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I got an email telling me that my book will be shipped a little earlier than first thought! I am sooooooo looking forward to getting it!! Woo Hoo!!!! Can't wait!

  6. I'm so excited to read this!

  7. Wonderful covers, and I'm really looking forward to reading these! :)

  8. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Rachel, I finished reading Sweet Caroline last night and it was fantastic. Made me cry and feel thankful for my relationship with Jesus. Thanks for sharing your gift from God with us!
