Thursday, January 03, 2008

Amy Grant's book, Mosaic

I have copies of Amy Grant's book to give away. Leave a comment to be eligible for a drawing.

I loved this book, being both warmed and challenged by Grant's most charmed life. Born in a family with Nashville roots to a doctor and his wife, Grant is the youngest of four sisters. By the stories she tells, she's lived a privileged, loved, charmed life, being discovered at fifteen by a music producer looking for a new Christian music sound.

Yet, I was moved by her stories, and felt God's love for her and through her. I sat in McDonalds drinking a Diet Coke, finishing the book, weeping, just with a glad-God feeling. "Thank you for Amy Grant."

This is not an autobiography. Don't expect details of her relationship with Gary Chapman. I appreciated Grant's approach to his part in her life. She recognizes him, but never comments. As spectators, we all know their marriage had its ups and downs. We can't begin to know the whos and whys - it's not for us to know. There are always two sides to every story, marriage, relationship and Grant honored her children by avoiding details of her life with Chapman.

Great read.


  1. I would love to read Amy's book and pass it on to other family members who appreciate her.

  2. This book is on my TBR list and would love to have a copy! Thanks.

  3. Finally, someone with enough sense to not be "tell-all", thinking of loved ones. Big kudos, Amy!

    Does this also means she shied away from Vince as well?

  4. I would love to have a copy of this book - her voice is so pure and she's one of my favorites.


  5. Rachel-

    I have been a fan of Amy's since I was a small kid. Please enter me in your book drawing.



  6. Blue67ccm, Amy does talk about Vince and a little of how they got together, but no deep details. She tells a story of working things out with Jenny, Vince's daughter that was touching.

    Amy seems wise and in-tune. Her writing is engaging, much like her songwriting.


  7. would love to be entered, thanks :)

  8. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Amy Grant is, always has been, and always will be, an inspiration. She's a wonderful singer, a Christian who loves her family and her friends and fans. I can't think of many better role models for young ladies. This book sounds like a "must read".
