Monday, November 26, 2007

Horrible Picture taker

I confess, I love taking pictures. But, I'm horrible at remembering.

I cart my little digital around, then forget to use it. Or, forget to gather friends and family for pictures.

I miss my Nikon SLR where I could compose and adjust. I'm not sure I enjoy "point and shoot" photography.

Anyway, we are home from Tennessee/Indiana/Tennessee. We saw lots of family, but not every one. Those are hard gatherings to orchestrate. But maybe next spring.

The above is a picture of my with my nephew, Asa. We were putting up my mom's Christmas tree when we paused for this fun, spontaneous, wearing-no-makeup shot. He's a cutie.
Very sweet.

This is my sister Rebeka with her little one, Susanna, after getting her little hair combed back in pony tails. She'd walk around brushing her hair from her face with both hands. So sweet and cute. She looks a lot like her daddy in this picture. Suz, not Beka. ;)

And, here is my Florida car sprinkled with snow!


  1. Yeah thanks. Neither one of us have on make up. We forgot to take good pictures of us to do the celeb look alike.

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Make-up or no make-up I have two of the most beautiful daughters!!! Love the pics and thanks to Tony, Rachel, Pete and Julie AND Asa for decorating my tree - it was a joy to watch.

    Love Mom

  3. Great pics! Your sister looks so much like you, Rachel! =)

  4. How cute! I never can remember to take all the pictures I want, either. I remember for the big occasions, but never for the fun moments of life.
