Saturday, November 17, 2007

Big Fat Weekend Update

Okay, okay, I know y'all been wondering where in the heck is Rachel?

I mean, geez, is she not blogging anymore? Has she gone mad? Did her deadline bury her alive? (No, that was the last book...)
Is she in Nashville with her friend Susie Warren attending a friend's wedding?


Prizes all around. And I will draw names for the Rene Gutteridge books. Hang on until next week.

So yes, I'm in Nashville for Anne's wedding. I drove up Wednesday. Tony had to stay behind because of things going on at church, and every other pastor and elder being gone. The timing was lousy, but he flies up to Indianapolis on Monday and I'll met him then.

Well, I got sick. Bad sick. Like throw up a lot sick. Hasn't happened to me in years. But I was well enough to have lunch with the lovely and smart Ami McConnell as well as visit Thomas Nelson.

Friday I recovered enough to go shopping with Suz. We had a blast. The mall had this hydro massage machines, so we did fifteen minutes. Very nice. Came back to the hotel, relaxed because my strength was still coming back, then went to the Bluebird Cafe with a couple of Nelson friends, Lisa and Katie.

Don Schlitz was in the round with a couple of others. He wrote the Gamble, and Forever and Ever Amen. So cool to hear him sing his songs.

Right now, it's Saturday morning and we're going to Pancake Pantry for breakfast, then get ready for the wedding. The picture is of me, Lisa Young, Susan Warren and Katie Schroeder at the Bluebird sitting under a picture Dolly Parton.


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    That sounds like a dream come true for me. I would love to visit the Bluebird cafe and just wander around Nashville for a while - not sick, though...LOL...Glad you're feeling better.....Don Schlitz - WOW!!!

  2. Sorry you were sick, Rachel. :( looks like you're having fun, but missing the OSU game, again. We're going to P.Pantry this week, can't wait!!

    No doubt that was Dolly Parton you were sitting under...ahem.

    :) :) :)
    See you in a week!

  3. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Rachel, I'm so glad you are feeling better - P.Pantry YUM YUM it is THE BEST. Bluebird Cafe sounds so great I'd love to go there sometime.

    Safe traveling to Indy
    Love Mom

  4. See you in a few hours. :)

  5. Raaaach!!! You know I feel for you after our little trip with psychedelic yawns!!!!
