Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ah, Saturday

I love Saturdays, especially in the fall. Football! So, I cleaned today and am now panicked over my notes for the continuing session for the ACFW conference.

I thought I was good to go. I've been working on this off and on for months, but now wonder if I did it right!

Had a thought while cleaning. I was mopping the bathroom and didn't feel like moving the little rug and ended up mopping around it.

How much do we do that to God? We don't want to move issues in our life for Him to clean. Now, in my house it's not that big of a deal. But in my life, it could be.

We have to allow God to clean thoroughly. Move the furniture, dispose of the junk, paint the walls, deep clean in some places. Scrub.

Yet, we can get lazy or even angry when He wants to touch areas of our heart and mind. We don't want to give up that wound, or mind set. We fight giving up sin and offenses we've clung to. Maybe we've been abused or cheated in life, and feel justified in holding on to the injustice done against us.

But, we can't. We have to let God clean us up. I love, love, love my house after it's been cleaned. Don't you? It's sweaty work, but when I'm done, I can relax and enjoy.

It's the same with God opening up our hearts and minds to His goodness and healing. It feels so good when we let Him clean house.

Well, better work on my notes.

1 comment:

  1. Better get to it, Lady. I'm covering your sessions for Afictionado. I'm expecting perfection. ;) No pressure though. LOL.

    Kidding. Looking forward to whatever you have to share.
