Saturday, May 19, 2007

I'm Alive

Just a fast post to say I'm alive, but boy, it's been a busy week.

I'm finishing up Sweet Caroline. How do you like my tentative cover?

Spent the day with other writers at a Super Saturday, then had a book signing with Roxanne St. Claire and Deidre Knight. A long but good day.

Thursday went to my first boss-after-college's retirement party. Alex Nelson hired me and is the reason I'm in Melbourne/Palm Bay, FL. I was hestiant about going since Alex works at another company, a competitor to my old company, and I figured most of his current co-workers would be there. But, when I walked in I received a warm welcome from old Harris-ites. We told old stories for a good while.

It was really fun to see old friends.

Gilmore Girls. What did you think of the final show? I did not like it. They tried to end like it began, but Rory is not 16 any more. She's 22. I hated that she and Logan broke up completely. Not even a hint of a future. I liked that Luke and Loralie connected (kissed.) So, they are going to be together forever in TVville.

Hated that Rory was thrilled be on the Obama campaign. Loved the finaly scene. The two of them sitting in Luke's, early in the morning, talking, drinking coffee, framed in the big picture window trimmed in white lights.

What did you think?


  1. LOVE the new cover. really cute and classy. haven't seen the last gilmore girls. i know how much you liked logan, so i felt bad about that!

  2. Anonymous2:05 AM

    I hate it that they took Gilmore off in our area so we missed this whole season. I hope to buy it later so I can watch it.
    Love your website.
    As I have to apply annoymous to send this, my name is Jane Squires,

  3. Love-Love-Love the cover, Rachel. :) I'm looking forward to this one, enjoying Diva tremendously. :) I, um, actually never watched GG. :)

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    The new cover is great! I hope it becomes the final cover :-)

    One positive thing I can say about the Gilmore ending, is since they left so many loose ends that I can pretend everything turns out just the way I want. Though I'm still not sure what I want to happen to Logan.....

  5. Umm, what did you say? You lost me when you showed me the cover for your new novel...I'm still dreaming of the thought of a new Rachel Hauck release......**Sigh**

  6. I love the cover! It's my favorite kind. I don't want to see pictures of the H/H because I want to imagine what they look like

  7. I love the cover too.

    Deena, you're too fun. :) Sigh....

    Carol, good point on the h/h! It's usually why I try not to over descibe.

