Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reader's Survey!

Hi Everyone,

I created an online survey to see what readers like in the books they read. I'd really appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes to answer the questions.

I think you'll like them!

Thanks so much!

Click here to take our Online Survey


  1. Hope we get to see the results!

  2. Interesting survey

  3. I hope you can share the results with us!

  4. Rachel,
    Thank you for the GREAT chat time over on ACFW tonight. What a treat it was to get to pick your brain and get to know you a little.

    I'm all jazzed up now and nowhere to go! Again, it was great fun, I hope you enjoyed it as well.
    Katie Johnson (aka wildmindgirl)

  5. I took your survey. Interesting! Wish I could've made it to the ACFW chat, but alas, I was tied up.
