Sunday, March 04, 2007

All this stuff about good intentions

So, I do intend to continue the overcoming fear post, but life's been crazy busy.

First I was powering towards a March 1st deadline, writing twelve hours a day, then my editor emailed so good news. They changed my release schedule so I could take until May to submit the book. I was happpy to take the time to edit through Sweet Caroline.

It's good story and I'm pleased, but any time I can perfect, I'm glad to do it.

Then Saturday we flew with a team up to Poughkeepsie for a Harp & Bowl conference at the River Church. This was our first day, (Sunday) and we had a blast!

So, I'll post more when I have time.

Grace and peace.


  1. I knew you must be busy since you didn't post for awhile. I love your Harp & Bowl worship. I look forward to hearing about your conference.

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

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  3. Oh, that polishing stage. I'll admit, I'm not real fond of it yet. LOL

    Have fun at your conference! Post us an update when you can!

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Stopping by to say hello!
