Monday, February 19, 2007

Sue-weet Caroline

Done, done, done. Doing the happy dance! I finished Sweet Caroline today. Fifteen hours in my chair. But I did it. Took about an hour break at 9 p.m.

Now to edit. It needs some fixing. But, writing to the end let me know how I wanted to tie things together so I know what to fix, what to add or change. Very. Good.

I wrote 7,500 words today.

Since February first, I've written probably sixty thousand new words. But, I knew the story based on the other iterations of the story. So, don't be too impressed.

I am hard at it for eleven more days, then it's due and I'll turn it in. It's a good story. I like it a lot. I made cried writing a closing scene with her brother.

Love story twist at the end. This is the first time I've written a book open to a sequel. I usually launch the heroine on a journey and sorta tie it up at the end.

This book ends with Caroline launching into something new and a few story questions are open for speculation.

God is so very good. He helped, as always.

I love my job!

More on overcoming fear tomorrow.


  1. Yippie, doin the happy dance with you. Cant wait to read. Still waiting on Diva, I have it on backorder

  2. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Can't wait to see you soon!

  3. YAY!! You are amazing. Good job, Rach. Love your posts about fear. My kids watched WOO, though and didn't have a problem. Guess you're just more of a weenie.
    JUST KIDDING!! You know what scared my daughter? SLeeping Beauty. She was terrified of that movie.

  4. Rachel!! Waytago! :) ~~Lynette

  5. So glad to hear you are done!!

    Wizard of Oz still scares me.

  6. Sixty thousand words in a couple of weeks! Wow. That is amazing! Congrats on finishing Sweet Caroline.

  7. hoping that 'just finished' feeling is still such a happy thought!
    i'm so proud of you and can't can't can't wait to read it!

  8. Woo Hoo....mucho congrats, girl! Don'tcha LOVE that feeling?

  9. Thats so great! Im sure it will turn out great! And by the way, thanks for stopping by my humble blog. :)

  10. Yay! Can't wait for it to hit the shelves...eager for Diva to come out.
