Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcome back, routine

I love holiday. I love vacation and Christmas break, but oh, I so welcome back the routine.

We woke up this morning, went to prayer. I came home and got to thinking/writing, moving my work into the living room and building a fire. It's not that cold here. Okay, it's not cold at all, but the day was grey and called for a fire.

I love routine, though I'm not a freak about it, nor am I anal. But, I love getting up, going to work, or whatever. I have no problem breaking a routine, but I do feel like the world is in balance we we all "go back to work."

Wrote 3000 words today. One scene brought tears to my eyes. There's always one of those scenes, when whoosh, God shows up and I know this is His heart of the story.

Movie Reviews

We caught up on movies over the Christmas season. Here's my review.

Mission Impossible 2 - Tony liked, I got bored. Yeah, there was a lot of action, but the story never captured me.

Firewall - Okay for a rental, but irritating story because the criminals never stated their crime outright. We just figured it out as the movie rolled on.

Glory Road - I love sports movies. I loved the story behind Glory Road, but did not like the moive. We never got to know the characters enough to care.

Invinsible - Story of a Philadelpia Eagles walk on in the '70s. Great movie. Loved it.

Holiday - A chick flick, but Tony enjoyed it. Wonderful, feel good movie with shallow moral values. Good rental.

We Are Marshall - Third and the best of the sports movies. We really felt the pain of the town when the players were lost in a crash. Matthew McConaughey did a fab job of playing the new head coach after the crash. Highly recommend.

Dreamgirls - Beyonce is beautiful. Jennifer Hudson had a fine acting debut even if her character was annoyingly stubborn. Great job by Jamie Fox and Eddie Murphy. But the moive was so tedious with all the songs. Seems all they did was just put the Broadway play on film. At the end, I was bored and ready to leave. Did not care about the characters that much and was happy to say good-bye to them. Good rental if you can fast forward.

Eragon - Tony saw this while I watched Dreamgirls with my friend Sheree. He said it was fun, worth seeing, but wished he hadn't read the book first. I heard that from several people. Might be a good rental.

Okay, and that's all from Hauck & Hauck at the movies. :) We won't see this many movies the rest of the year, probably.

Peace out.

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