Thursday, November 09, 2006

Off For Awhile

Well, Tony and I are off for awhile. Vacation. But, I'm working. I have to. This book has to get legs and wings or it'll never fly. LOL.

It's weird however because I'm in this Bookmuda Triangle.

Lost In NashVegas is out this month so I'm working on some publicity stuff, answering emails, did an interview with a guy in Australia last night.

Diva NashVegas galleys are on my dining room table waiting for me to read and edit. I so love this book.

Sweet Caroline, my new work in progress, demands my whole writing heart and mind. But I feel pulled, a little, not alot. And with a new work, it's always easy to focus on what I've already done and not face the fight of pressing forward.

But, alas, never fear, I can do all things . . .

Well, better go pack.

Grace and peace.


  1. Have a great time away, Rachel! You deserve it. And I have all confidence in you and God that Sweet Caroline will soon gel for you, and then take off and fly like an eagle. As you said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God bless--

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Have fun. Your interview is posted on my blog (bwahahaha). Oops...was that out loud?
