Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Best Feeling

I've been around babies most of my life. I have three younger siblings and started baby sitting when I was ten. Okay, not baby-babies, but for sure by the time I was thirteen, I was baby sitting infants.

We spent the past weekend with my sister who has four children, 13, almost 11, 2 and seven months.

I saw the baby for the first time. She was fussy the first day. Apparently, cutting teeth is nasty business. But the second and third day, she was so sweet. Monday morning, I held her in my lap for about 2 hours. Peacefully sitting.

This, I thought, is my most favorite feeling. Holding a baby. I love their smell after a bath, the warmth of their baby breath, the sound of their laughter, but I don't think there's anything like cuddling a baby.

As an adult, I haven't been around babies as much. And not having any of my own, I'd forgotten the place in my heart that only a baby can touch. Especially a neice or nephew.

What are your most favorite feelings, or special moments?


  1. I miss the days when mine were little, little. Now that they're 16, 6, and 4......I so miss that infant baby cuddle. SIGH

  2. Hi Rachel,

    I just join CFBA !

    Check out my posting today responding to the atheist Sam Harris' recent book Letter to a Christian Nation.

  3. Oh, yes, smelling a baby fresh from a bath is heaven. I did that last night. Am in San Juan with my two grands. The 11-month-old melts my heart with his ear-to-ear smiles. The 2-year-old does too.

  4. That's what I love about our dog...(I think I just heard the collective go "HuH??") Seriously, My kids laugh so much as they play with him and to me there is no sweeter sound than the sound of my children laughing.
