Sunday, October 29, 2006

Trip to Beaufort, SC - Day 2

A good day.

Woke up. Always a good start to the day, no? Slept well so I felt ready to go for a run. Which is stupid because I so hate running, but didn't want to let too many days go by without exercise.

Ran right down the main drag, Boundary Street. Did I say run? I mean plod. Came back, showered up and did some computer time. then hung out with Jesus. Got something to eat, then drove downtown.

It's really beautiful downtown. Historic, right on the Beaufort River. Very quaint but also modern. Lots of people downtown today. Motorcyclist. Retirees.

One art shop owner told me the summer was tourist on a budget, the fall and winter was tourist without a budget. They liked the fall tourist the best. Go figure.

I was browsing in a bookstore when my phone rang. It was Jess Dang, one of the Food Networks next star contestants. She was way cool and talked to me about being on the show, gave me some ideas for my story. Thanks for talking Jess.

Hung up with her, called Tony with an update, then went to Luthers just to see what was going on in there. Last night they had country singers. Oh, ran into Buckeye fans! We are everywhere!

Sat by myself in Luther's half watching football, half observing people. Two men came in and I figured they were military. I wanted to talk to them about life in Beaufort from the military view, but I felt really stupid walking up to them. Plus, it looked like they were talking and having fun.

But, oh well, what the heck. All they can do is say "get lost." So, I walked up with some lame opener like, "Are you guys military?"


Both Marines. One in maintenance (jets) the other an F-18 pilot. They endured my questions - and I ask a lot - then invited me to sit with them. I found paper - I was no prepared - and sat there for an hour or more talking to them about military life, Beaufort and what concepts might work well for my story. It was fun. Thanks Jason and Aaron.

I mean, how lame is it? "Hi, I'm a writer can I talk to you?"

I have no proof. but my sincere face and the favor of God.

Then, took a drive to . . . PUBLIX. How great to find Publix in Beaufort. It's beautiful. Red brick. Live Oaks with Spanish moss swaying in the breeze in the parking lot.

Day was cool and sunny. Boats on the water. People milling aorund town.

Called my hubby a gazillion times. I miss him. Love you, babe.

Grace and peace.


  1. Rachel, I love the South Carolina low country. If you get a chance to cross over to Hilton Head, eat at Charlie's Crab. It has the best "she crab" soup of anywhere around.

  2. "people milling around". Are going to use that in your book? I love that discription of what people are acually doing. In fact I love to just "Mill Around" myself!
    Love ya

  3. Have you run into Pat conroy yet?
