Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Big Brother All-Stars

I confess. I've been watching Big Brother All-Stars this season. Oh no, oh no. This is only the second Big Brother show I've watched, but boy, the drama drew me in.

I went to Spinning tonight. Then lifted weights. Starving when I got home, but I resisted pigging out. I have to lose at least 15 lbs by the time we go on vacation in November. I can do it.

Mulling over a new story idea. Next deadline is March 1st. i received my editorial emails today. Haven't opened them yet. I will in the morning. I have two editors reporting in so I'll compare notes and go from there. They both loved Diva NashVegas.

Now, can I write another solid story. Did I accidentally raise the bar too high? The insecurities of a writer never end. But wait, my God will help me! He said.

I wonder what the scripture will be for next book?

Grace and Peace.

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