Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The pain of sacrifice

We live in such an instant gratification society. We want everything to come quick and easy. We hate the labor. The pain.

High school grads want to make a living on minimum wage. College grads want to be millionaires by the time they're thirty.

Lawyers want to get rich suing doctors. People in general want to get rich suing each other.

Song of Solomon 4, the Bride says, "I'll go my way to the mountain of myrrh and hill of frankincense."

The mountain of myrrh speaks of sacrifice and denying self. Giving up our desires and wants to please our Lover, Jesus.

It's the radical pursuit of God, to obey. The mountain signifies the cost to our flesh.

The hill of frankincense speaks of the Bride's prayer life, and the incense before the Throne of God that reflects the prayers of the saints. (Rev 5:8)

The mountain of myrrh is too high without living on the smaller hill of frankincense. A little bit of communication with Jesus enables us to overcome the mountains in our lives.

Don't you love God's economy? A hill of prayer overcomes a mountain of obstacles and weaknesses.

But we have to go to the hill. We can't take the mountain of myrrh - a radical life in God, obedience and sacrifice without prayer.

Yet we try it. And get mad at God when things don't go well.

The "pain" of sacrificing our time to be able to overcome is well worth it. Think about all great things in life? Most come with some kind of pain or cost.

Children. Right? People have written books on the pain and sacrifice, but the beauty of the reward.

Love and marriage. Sacrifice of self.

A job or career. Education. Losing weight or getting into shape. Saving account. Writing a book.

But it's the fragrant aroma of sacrifice that goes up before the Throne of Grace. And He lavishes His love and grace over us.

Don't be afraid of the pain of sacrifice.

1 comment:

  1. "A hill of prayer overcomes a mountain of obstacles and weaknesses."

    Ooooh that's good!

    great post!
