Monday, May 15, 2006

Sunday Evening

I'm sitting here on Sunday night, writing and watching the final of Survivor. Happy Mother's

I had a nice day. Talked to the moms and my sister. Forgot to call Grandma. I love you, Grandma!

I always have two girls who call me on mother's day: Cassie and Carrie. Well, Cassie called from Kansas City, and Carrie was actually in town and breezed by church on her way out of town. Thank you for always remembering me. My heart is kissed.

Lead worship this morning which was fun.

Am getting stressed about Diva NashVegas but am really trying to lean on Jesus and not worry. A circumstance is a circumstance right? A deadline doesn't change His ability to take care of the problem.

I got the tearsheets and letters from Lambert's Peace and Code. One lady wrote that Code was not a love story but a how to fix your marriage story and is sending the book back to HP. LOL. All the tearsheets and letters were great, except that one.

We are going to Kansas City Thursday. If I had my choice, I'd stay home to write, but we planned this trip in February and we are really looking forward to three whole days in the prayer room. I'll try to get some word count in, but never know. I tried to write in the prayer room once before, and ended up deleting most of it. :)

Grace and Peace.


  1. Don't stress about Diva Nashvegas. Keep your eyes on Him and not the crcumstances. (Yeah, I can say that because the Lord has been drilling that in my head the last month and a half.)

    Have fun in KC!

  2. Wow, Heather told me you were going to be in KC. Email me and we'll meet for coffee. :D

    You'll do just fine. I'm praying for you as well as all your friends and church family.

  3. Personally, any story that is considered to be a "how to fix your marriage story" must be the ultimate "Love" story. It takes more effort and more Giving and therefore is worth soooo much more!
