Sunday, May 21, 2006

I wanted to stay here...

... another few days. Soaking, quiet, fellowship, soaking, quiet, fellowship.

We came out to the House of Prayer-KC to sit before the Lord in the prayer room, but then people sorta got in the way. Ha!

Fellowship with God, fellowship with man. That's what it's all about. Inner life, outer life. Love God, love man. And I use man in the mankind sense.... No noses out of joint, please.

No heavy revvies from the Lord other than to keep going in the path we are going. We are making a change at home so I'm not so distracted from writing. Cutting off the TV cable. It's time.

I wanted to stay here because it's so quiet to my soul and the environment is soaked with Him, but while I was praying about it, I knew my house could be the exact same way. Tony leaned over a few minutes later and said the exact same thing to me.

Yet, I realize, I'm nervous about the quiet. We all get intimidated by the quiet. Confronting the barrenness of our own hearts. But then He comes in love, in our weakness He is strong. I want that... I can't be without His strength.

Had a great time last night with the TurBergs. Went out to eat, then came back to the coffee shop. Julia's written a book, so we talked a lot about it. Because of her life and her giftings and callings, she needs to get her work out there. Let's say this, while we were all talking at the coffee house, a few little feathers floated down between us. Supernatural things are common with her.

I found this really cool theme in Diva NashVegas. I was writing the other day and came up with the character that I can subtly weave through the story... and wow. If I do it right, it will be so cool. I was telling Julia about it and she got goosebumps.

I'm encouraged, but the labor is still long. Isn't that the way of life? Inspiration followed by a truck load of labor. But the labor is sweet. Very sweet.

Well, I'm off to the morning session. Haven't been sleeping much, but don't need it. I'm all good.

Grace and peace.


  1. Love this . . . on many levels . . .

  2. Inspiration followed by a truckload of labor, huh? So true. Great post. :)
    Back to that truckload I go... :)
