Friday, March 03, 2006

Things are better, not that they were bad

Been working on Lost In NashVegas edits. I had a great talk with my editor yesterday and have my mind wrapped around the changes I need to make.

Bit off a big challenge with the fast. Hungry today, but grace remains. Not counting the days because there's no point. Too many remain. Yet my heart is determined. I'm up for this. Down flesh, down!

Spent the afternoon at Barnes & Noble with local writers, talking, brainstorming. Both of them have great stories in the making and its fun to offer deeper ideas or alternate thoughts. I hope they both sell soon.

Fire Dweller tonight. Prayer is good, isn't it?

Otherwise, life is pretty routine. Tony is good. Dogs and cat are good, well, except Pal. He's still annoying but oh so cute. We can't help but love him.

Family is good. Church is good.

God is good.



  1. Gosh, a full plate with fasting. I'm hypoglycemic, so fasting food was/is never an option for me. I'm reading all your doing on your fast and I can feel my eyes rolling back in my head as I dizzily fall to the floor and my stomach begins convulsing. eeeek! Obviously, not an issue for you :)

    Glad to hear your book is rolling through the process. Your dedication is admirable! Can't wait to read your work.

  2. ps - how's the beach? i'm REALLY missing the beach :)
